Exact Match:
- elder
- a person who is older than you are
- any of various church officers
- any of numerous shrubs or small trees of temperate and subtropical northern hemisphere having white flowers and berrylike fruit
- used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son; "Bill Adams, Sr."
- Aaronic priesthood,
- Bible clerk,
- Bible reader,
- Establishment,
- Father Time,
- Melchizedek priesthood,
- Methuselah,
- Nestor,
- Old Paar,
- Seventy,
- VIP,
- acolyte,
- age,
- alderman,
- almoner,
- anagnost,
- ancestors,
- antecedent,
- antecedents,
- antediluvian,
- anterior,
- anticipatory,
- antique,
- apostle,
- archon,
- ascendants,
- authority,
- back number,
- bailie,
- baron,
- beadle,
- bedral,
- big gun,
- big man,
- big name,
- bigwig,
- bishop,
- boss,
- brass,
- brass hat,
- burghermaster,
- burgomaster,
- bwana,
- cabinet member,
- cabinet minister,
- caducity,
- capitular,
- capitulary,
- celebrity,
- centenarian,
- chancellor,
- chef,
- chief,
- choir chaplain,
- church dignitary,
- churchwarden,
- ci-devant,
- city councilman,
- city father,
- city manager,
- clerk,
- commissar,
- commissioner,
- conservative,
- councillor,
- councilman,
- councilwoman,
- county commissioner,
- county supervisor,
- dad,
- deacon,
- deaconess,
- dean,
- dignitary,
- dignity,
- doctor,
- dodo,
- dotard,
- doyen,
- doyenne,
- earlier,
- early,
- ecclesiarch,
- elder statesman,
- elderliness,
- elderman,
- elders,
- eldest,
- employer,
- experienced,
- father,
- fathers,
- figure,
- first,
- first-born,
- firstling,
- fogy,
- fore,
- forebears,
- forefathers,
- foregoing,
- former,
- fossil,
- fud,
- fuddy-duddy,
- gaffer,
- geezer,
- golden-ager,
- goodman,
- gramps,
- grandfather,
- grandfathers,
- grandparents,
- grandsire,
- granny,
- graybeard,
- great man,
- great soul,
- guru,
- has-been,
- headman,
- high priest,
- husband,
- illuminate,
- important person,
- induna,
- intellect,
- intellectual,
- interests,
- lay elder,
- lay reader,
- lector,
- lecturer,
- legislator,
- liege,
- liege lord,
- lion,
- longhair,
- lord,
- lord mayor,
- lord paramount,
- lords of creation,
- lover of wisdom,
- magistrate,
- magnate,
- mahatma,
- maire,
- major,
- man of intellect,
- man of mark,
- man of wisdom,
- mandarin,
- master,
- mastermind,
- matriarch,
- mayor,
- mentor,
- mid-Victorian,
- minister,
- minister of state,
- mogul,
- mossback,
- nabob,
- name,
- nonagenarian,
- notability,
- notable,
- octogenarian,
- old age,
- old believer,
- old chap,
- old codger,
- old crock,
- old dodo,
- old dog,
- old duffer,
- old fogy,
- old geezer,
- old gent,
- old gentleman,
- old liner,
- old man,
- old party,
- old poop,
- old woman,
- old-timer,
- older,
- oldest,
- oldster,
- oracle,
- overlord,
- padrone,
- panjandrum,
- pantaloon,
- paramount,
- parish clerk,
- paterfamilias,
- patriarch,
- patriarchs,
- patron,
- person of renown,
- personage,
- personality,
- philosopher,
- pillar of society,
- pop,
- pops,
- portreeve,
- power,
- power elite,
- preceding,
- precentor,
- precurrent,
- predecessors,
- preexistent,
- presbyter,
- previous,
- priest,
- prime,
- primogenitary,
- prior,
- progenitors,
- rabbi,
- reactionary,
- reader,
- reeve,
- regular old fogy,
- relic,
- respected,
- rishi,
- ruling circle,
- ruling elder,
- sachem,
- sacrist,
- sacristan,
- sage,
- sahib,
- sapient,
- savant,
- scholar,
- secretary,
- secretary of state,
- seer,
- seigneur,
- seignior,
- selectman,
- senectitude,
- senescence,
- senior,
- senior citizen,
- septuagenarian,
- sexagenarian,
- sexton,
- shames,
- sidesman,
- sire,
- somebody,
- something,
- square,
- starets,
- succentor,
- suisse,
- superior,
- supervisor,
- syndic,
- teacher,
- teaching elder,
- the great,
- the quiet-voiced elders,
- the top,
- thinker,
- thurifer,
- top brass,
- top people,
- traditionalist,
- tycoon,
- undersecretary,
- venerable,
- venerable sir,
- verger,
- vergeress,
- very important person,
- veteran,
- warden,
- wise man,
- wise old man,
- worthy,
- years