Exact Match:
- supervisor
- one who supervises or has charge and direction of
- Big Brother,
- administrator,
- alderman,
- archon,
- auditor,
- bailie,
- boatswain,
- boss,
- burghermaster,
- burgomaster,
- cabinet member,
- cabinet minister,
- chancellor,
- chief,
- city councilman,
- city father,
- city manager,
- commissar,
- commissioner,
- comptroller,
- controller,
- councillor,
- councilman,
- councilwoman,
- county commissioner,
- county supervisor,
- director,
- elder,
- floor manager,
- floorman,
- floorwalker,
- foreman,
- gaffer,
- ganger,
- governor,
- head,
- headman,
- induna,
- inspector,
- legislator,
- lord mayor,
- magistrate,
- maire,
- manager,
- mayor,
- minister,
- minister of state,
- monitor,
- noncommissioned officer,
- overman,
- overseer,
- portreeve,
- proctor,
- reeve,
- secretary,
- secretary of state,
- selectman,
- sirdar,
- slave driver,
- straw boss,
- subforeman,
- super,
- superintendent,
- superior,
- surveyor,
- syndic,
- taskmaster,
- undersecretary,
- visitor,
- warden