Exact Match:
- hideous
- so extremely ugly as to be terrifying; "a hideous scar"; "a repulsive mask"
- grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror; "subjected to outrageous cruelty"; "a hideous pattern of injustice"; "horrific conditions in the mining industry"
- abhorrent,
- abominable,
- appalling,
- astounding,
- atrocious,
- awe-inspiring,
- awesome,
- awful,
- baneful,
- beastly,
- contemptible,
- damnable,
- dire,
- direful,
- disgusting,
- dread,
- dreaded,
- dreadful,
- exceptionable,
- execrable,
- fell,
- forbidding,
- formidable,
- foul,
- frightful,
- ghastly,
- ghoulish,
- grim,
- grisly,
- grotesque,
- gruesome,
- hateful,
- heinous,
- horrendous,
- horrible,
- horrid,
- horrific,
- horrifying,
- ill-favored,
- ill-looking,
- inadmissible,
- loathsome,
- lurid,
- macabre,
- monstrous,
- morbid,
- nasty,
- nauseating,
- nauseous,
- odious,
- offensive,
- outrageous,
- redoubtable,
- repellent,
- repelling,
- repugnant,
- repulsive,
- revolting,
- rotten,
- schrecklich,
- shocking,
- sickening,
- terrible,
- terrific,
- terrifying,
- tragic,
- tremendous,
- ugly,
- unacceptable,
- unbeautiful,
- uncomely,
- undesirable,
- unsightly,
- unspeakable,
- unwanted,
- unwelcome,
- vile