Exact Match:
- hostility
- a hostile (very unfriendly) disposition; "he could not conceal his hostility"
- the feeling of a hostile person; "he could no longer contain his hostility"
- a state of deep-seated ill-will
- Kilkenny cats,
- abhorrence,
- abomination,
- action,
- aggression,
- aggressiveness,
- allergy,
- altercation,
- animosity,
- animus,
- antagonism,
- anteposition,
- antipathy,
- antithesis,
- argument,
- aversion,
- bad blood,
- bad feeling,
- bellicism,
- bellicosity,
- belligerence,
- belligerency,
- bickering,
- bloodshed,
- cat-and-dog life,
- chauvinism,
- clash,
- clashing,
- cold sweat,
- collision,
- combat,
- combativeness,
- competition,
- conflict,
- confrontation,
- confrontment,
- contention,
- contentiousness,
- contest,
- contestation,
- contradiction,
- contradistinction,
- contraindication,
- contraposition,
- contrariety,
- contrariness,
- contrast,
- controversy,
- counterposition,
- creeping flesh,
- cross-purposes,
- cut and thrust,
- debate,
- despitefulness,
- disaccord,
- disaffinity,
- disagreement,
- discrepancy,
- disgust,
- disputation,
- dispute,
- dissension,
- enmity,
- ferocity,
- fierceness,
- fight,
- fighting,
- fractiousness,
- friction,
- hard feelings,
- hardheartedness,
- hate,
- hatred,
- horror,
- hostilities,
- ill will,
- immediate dislike,
- inconsistency,
- inimicalness,
- jingoism,
- litigation,
- loathing,
- logomachy,
- malevolence,
- malice,
- malignity,
- martialism,
- militancy,
- militarism,
- mortal horror,
- nausea,
- negativeness,
- noncooperation,
- obstinacy,
- opposing,
- oppositeness,
- opposition,
- opposure,
- oppugnance,
- oppugnancy,
- paper war,
- personality conflict,
- perverseness,
- perversity,
- polar opposition,
- polarity,
- polarization,
- polemic,
- posing against,
- pugnaciousness,
- pugnacity,
- quarrel,
- quarreling,
- quarrelsomeness,
- rancor,
- recalcitrance,
- refractoriness,
- repugnance,
- repulsion,
- rivalry,
- saber rattling,
- scrapping,
- showdown,
- shuddering,
- spite,
- spitefulness,
- squabbling,
- state of war,
- strife,
- struggle,
- truculence,
- uncooperativeness,
- unfriendliness,
- unpeacefulness,
- vying,
- war,
- war of words,
- warfare,
- warmongering,
- warpath,
- words,
- wrangling