Exact Match:
- house
- play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults; "the children were playing house"
- a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families; "he has a house on Cape Cod"; "she felt she had to get out of the house"
- a building in which something is sheltered or located; "they had a large carriage house"
- aristocratic family line; "the House of York"
- an official assembly having legislative powers; "a bicameral legislature has two houses"
- the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema; "the house applauded"; "he counted the house"
- the members of a religious community living together
- the management of a gambling house or casino; "the house gets a percentage of every bet"
- provide housing for; "The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town"
- contain or cover; "This box houses the gears"
- Aktiengesellschaft,
- Dymaxion house,
- Elizabethan theater,
- Globe Theatre,
- Greek theater,
- White House,
- abbey,
- abode,
- accommodate,
- adobe house,
- affiliation,
- agency,
- aktiebolag,
- amphitheater,
- ancestry,
- animal kingdom,
- apparentation,
- architecture,
- arena theater,
- as a gift,
- aspect,
- assembly,
- astrodiagnosis,
- astrology,
- astromancy,
- atelier,
- audience,
- auditorium,
- auditory,
- bagnio,
- barbershop,
- beauty parlor,
- beauty shop,
- bed,
- beleaguer,
- bench,
- berth,
- beset,
- besiege,
- bestow,
- billet,
- birth,
- blockade,
- blood,
- bloodline,
- board,
- body corporate,
- bordello,
- bound,
- boutique,
- box in,
- branch,
- breed,
- brood,
- brothel,
- building,
- bunk,
- business,
- business establishment,
- butcher shop,
- cabaret,
- cabin,
- cage,
- cartel,
- casa,
- chain store,
- chamber,
- chamber of commerce,
- children,
- circle theater,
- clan,
- class,
- cliff dwelling,
- cloister,
- close in,
- club,
- co-op,
- combine,
- commercial enterprise,
- common ancestry,
- commorancy,
- compagnie,
- company,
- compass,
- concern,
- concert hall,
- concession,
- conglomerate,
- conglomerate corporation,
- congregation,
- congress,
- consanguinity,
- consolidating company,
- consortium,
- construct,
- construction,
- consulate,
- contain,
- convent,
- coop,
- coop in,
- coop up,
- cooperative,
- copartnership,
- cordon,
- cordon off,
- corporate body,
- corporation,
- corral,
- council,
- countinghouse,
- country house,
- country seat,
- country store,
- crib,
- cuddy,
- dacha,
- deanery,
- deckhouse,
- deme,
- department store,
- derivation,
- descendants,
- descent,
- desk,
- diet,
- dime store,
- direct line,
- discount house,
- discount store,
- distaff side,
- diversified corporation,
- domicile,
- domiciliate,
- dwelling,
- dwelling house,
- dynasty,
- edifice,
- embassy,
- emporium,
- encircle,
- enclose,
- encompass,
- enshrine,
- enterprise,
- entertain,
- erection,
- establishment,
- extraction,
- fabric,
- facility,
- family,
- farm,
- farmhouse,
- female line,
- fence in,
- filiation,
- firm,
- five-and-ten,
- folk,
- folks,
- for nothing,
- forebears,
- free,
- friary,
- gallery,
- general store,
- genethliac astrology,
- genethliacism,
- genethliacs,
- genethlialogy,
- gens,
- get,
- gratis,
- groundling,
- hall,
- harbor,
- haven,
- hearth,
- hedge in,
- hem in,
- holding company,
- home,
- homefolks,
- homestead,
- horoscope,
- horoscopy,
- house in,
- houseboat,
- household,
- hut,
- impound,
- imprison,
- incarcerate,
- include,
- industry,
- installation,
- institution,
- issue,
- jail,
- joint-stock association,
- joint-stock company,
- kennel,
- kind,
- kindred,
- lake dwelling,
- lamasery,
- leaguer,
- legislative body,
- legislature,
- line,
- line of descent,
- lineage,
- little theater,
- living machine,
- lodge,
- lodgings,
- loft,
- magasin,
- mail-order house,
- male line,
- manor house,
- manse,
- mansion,
- market,
- mart,
- matriclan,
- menage,
- mew,
- mew up,
- monastery,
- mundane astrology,
- mundane house,
- music hall,
- nation,
- nativity,
- natural astrology,
- night spot,
- nightclub,
- nunnery,
- offspring,
- on the house,
- opera,
- opera house,
- operating company,
- orchestra,
- order,
- organization,
- outdoor theater,
- outfit,
- packaged house,
- parliament,
- parlor,
- parsonage,
- partnership,
- patriclan,
- pen,
- pen in,
- penthouse,
- people,
- phratry,
- phyle,
- phylum,
- pile,
- pit,
- planetary house,
- plant kingdom,
- playhouse,
- plunderbund,
- pocket,
- pool,
- post,
- prefab,
- prefabricated house,
- prefabrication,
- presidential palace,
- priorate,
- priory,
- public utility,
- put up,
- pyramid,
- quarantine,
- quarter,
- quarters,
- race,
- rail in,
- ranch house,
- rectory,
- residence,
- residency,
- retail store,
- roof,
- room,
- salon,
- saloon,
- seed,
- sept,
- shelter,
- shelter cabin,
- shield,
- shop,
- showboat,
- shrine,
- shut in,
- shut up,
- side,
- skyscraper,
- sod house,
- spear side,
- species,
- spectator,
- spindle side,
- split-level,
- sporting house,
- stable,
- stargazing,
- stateroom,
- stem,
- stirps,
- stock,
- stock company,
- store,
- strain,
- structure,
- studio,
- succession,
- supermarket,
- superstructure,
- surround,
- sweatshop,
- sword side,
- syndicate,
- take in,
- theater,
- theater-in-the-round,
- theatre,
- theatron,
- totem,
- tower,
- town house,
- trade association,
- trading post,
- tribe,
- trust,
- undertaking,
- utility,
- variety shop,
- variety store,
- vicarage,
- wall in,
- warehouse,
- wareroom,
- wholesale house,
- work site,
- work space,
- workbench,
- workhouse,
- working space,
- workplace,
- workroom,
- workshop,
- worktable,
- wrap,
- yard,
- yard up,
- zodiac