Exact Match:
- hypochondria
- chronic and abnormal anxiety about imaginary symptoms and ailments
- abstraction,
- abulia,
- accident neurosis,
- alienation,
- anxiety,
- anxiety equivalent,
- anxiety hysteria,
- anxiety neurosis,
- anxiety state,
- apathy,
- association neurosis,
- battle fatigue,
- blast neurosis,
- cachexia,
- cachexy,
- catatonic stupor,
- chronic ill health,
- combat fatigue,
- compensation neurosis,
- compulsion,
- compulsion neurosis,
- conversion hysteria,
- conversion neurosis,
- debilitation,
- debility,
- decrepitude,
- dejection,
- delicacy,
- delicate health,
- depression,
- detachment,
- elation,
- emotionalism,
- enervation,
- euphoria,
- exhaustion,
- expectation neurosis,
- feebleness,
- fixation neurosis,
- folie du doute,
- fragility,
- frailty,
- fright neurosis,
- healthlessness,
- homosexual neurosis,
- hypochondriasis,
- hysteria,
- hysterics,
- ill health,
- indifference,
- infirmity,
- insensibility,
- invalidism,
- invalidity,
- languishing,
- languishment,
- lethargy,
- mania,
- melancholia,
- mental distress,
- morbidity,
- morbidness,
- neurosis,
- neuroticism,
- obsession,
- obsessional neurosis,
- occupational neurosis,
- pathological indecisiveness,
- pathoneurosis,
- peakedness,
- phobia,
- poor health,
- preoccupation,
- psychalgia,
- psychasthenia,
- psychomotor disturbance,
- psychoneurosis,
- psychoneurotic disorder,
- psychopathia martialis,
- regression neurosis,
- shell shock,
- sickliness,
- situational neurosis,
- stupor,
- tic,
- twitching,
- unhealthiness,
- unresponsiveness,
- unsoundness,
- unwholesomeness,
- valetudinarianism,
- war neurosis,
- wasting,
- weakliness,
- withdrawal