- Berkeleian,
- Cyrenaic,
- Eleatic,
- Epicurean,
- Hegelian,
- Kantian,
- Megarian,
- Neoplatonic,
- Neoplatonistic,
- Platonic,
- Platonistic,
- Stoic,
- airy,
- animist,
- animistic,
- atomistic,
- autistic,
- big,
- bighearted,
- chivalrous,
- cosmotheistic,
- dereistic,
- eclectic,
- elevated,
- empirical,
- eudaemonistic,
- exalted,
- existential,
- generous,
- great,
- great of heart,
- greathearted,
- handsome,
- hedonic,
- hedonist,
- hedonistic,
- heroic,
- high,
- high-minded,
- humanist,
- humanistic,
- idealist,
- immaterialist,
- impractical,
- in the clouds,
- instrumentalist,
- knightly,
- largehearted,
- liberal,
- lofty,
- magnanimous,
- materialistic,
- mechanistic,
- metaphysical,
- monistic,
- naturalistic,
- noble,
- noble-minded,
- nominalist,
- openhanded,
- optimistic,
- otherworldly,
- panlogistical,
- panpsychist,
- panpsychistic,
- pantheistic,
- poetic,
- positivist,
- positivistic,
- pragmatic,
- pragmatist,
- princely,
- quixotic,
- rationalistic,
- realist,
- realistic,
- romancing,
- romantic,
- romanticized,
- scholastic,
- sensationalistic,
- solipsistic,
- spiritualist,
- spiritualistic,
- starry-eyed,
- storybook,
- sublime,
- syncretistic,
- theistic,
- transcendental,
- transcendentalist,
- transcendentalistic,
- transmundane,
- unpractical,
- unrealistic,
- utilitarian,
- visionary,
- vitalistic,
- voluntarist,
- voluntaristic,
- wish-fulfilling