Exact Match:
- incense
- the pleasing scent produced when incense is burned; "incense filled the room"
- a substance that produces a fragrant odor when burned
- adulation,
- agalloch,
- agape,
- aggravate,
- agitate,
- aloeswood,
- annoy,
- aroma,
- aromatize,
- arouse,
- asperges,
- aspersion,
- auricular confession,
- awake,
- awaken,
- balminess,
- bar mitzvah,
- bas mitzvah,
- blandishment,
- blandness,
- blarney,
- blow the coals,
- blow up,
- bouquet,
- bristle,
- bunkum,
- burnt offering,
- butter,
- cajolement,
- cajolery,
- calambac,
- call forth,
- call up,
- celebration,
- cense,
- chafe,
- circumcision,
- collection,
- compliment,
- confession,
- confirmation,
- drink offering,
- embalm,
- embitter,
- enkindle,
- enrage,
- ex voto offering,
- exasperate,
- excite,
- eyewash,
- fair words,
- fan,
- fan the fire,
- fan the flame,
- fawning,
- feed the fire,
- ferment,
- fire,
- flame,
- flattery,
- foment,
- fragrance,
- fragrancy,
- frankincense,
- frenzy,
- fret,
- fruitiness,
- fulsomeness,
- fumigate,
- glibness,
- grease,
- heat,
- heat up,
- heave offering,
- hecatomb,
- high celebration,
- holocaust,
- honeyed phrases,
- honeyed words,
- huff,
- human sacrifice,
- immolation,
- impassion,
- incite,
- infanticide,
- inflame,
- infuriate,
- instigate,
- invocation,
- invocation of saints,
- ire,
- irritate,
- joss stick,
- key up,
- kindle,
- kiss of peace,
- lather up,
- lesser litany,
- libation,
- light the fuse,
- light up,
- lignaloes,
- linaloa,
- litany,
- love feast,
- lustration,
- mactation,
- mad,
- madden,
- miff,
- move,
- muskiness,
- nettle,
- nosegay,
- oblation,
- odor,
- odorize,
- offering,
- offertory,
- oil,
- oiliness,
- olibanum,
- overexcite,
- palaver,
- pastille,
- pax,
- peace offering,
- peeve,
- perfume,
- piacular offering,
- pique,
- praise,
- pretty lies,
- processional,
- provoke,
- put up to,
- rally,
- rankle,
- reciting the rosary,
- redolence,
- rile,
- roil,
- rouse,
- ruffle,
- sacramental offering,
- sacrifice,
- sandalwood,
- scapegoat,
- scent,
- self-immolation,
- self-sacrifice,
- set astir,
- set fire to,
- set on,
- set on fire,
- set up,
- sic on,
- smoothness,
- smugness,
- soap,
- soft soap,
- soft words,
- spice,
- spiciness,
- steam up,
- stir,
- stir the blood,
- stir the embers,
- stir the feelings,
- stir up,
- suaveness,
- suavity,
- summon up,
- suttee,
- sutteeism,
- sweet nothings,
- sweet savor,
- sweet smell,
- sweet talk,
- sweet words,
- sycophancy,
- telling of beads,
- thank offering,
- the confessional,
- the confessionary,
- thurify,
- tickle,
- turn on,
- umbrage,
- unctuousness,
- vex,
- votive offering,
- wake,
- wake up,
- waken,
- warm,
- warm the blood,
- wheedling,
- whet,
- whip up,
- whole offering,
- work into,
- work up