Exact Match:
- incoherent
- unable to express yourself clearly or fluently; "felt tongue-tied with embarrassment"; "incoherent with grief"
- without logical or meaningful connection; "a turgid incoherent presentation"
- Greek to one,
- abnormal,
- absurd,
- aleatoric,
- aleatory,
- aloof,
- ambiguous,
- amorphous,
- anomalous,
- apart,
- asunder,
- babbling,
- beyond understanding,
- bipartite,
- blobby,
- blurred,
- blurry,
- broad,
- broken,
- broken off,
- chance,
- chancy,
- chaotic,
- chopped-off,
- choppy,
- confused,
- decousu,
- delirious,
- detached,
- dichotomous,
- disconnected,
- discontinued,
- discontinuous,
- discordant,
- discrete,
- disjoined,
- disjointed,
- disjunctive,
- disordered,
- disproportionate,
- distinct,
- divergent,
- dizzy,
- episodic,
- fitful,
- foggy,
- fuzzy,
- gapped,
- garbled,
- general,
- giddy,
- hazy,
- herky-jerky,
- hit-or-miss,
- ill-defined,
- illogical,
- impenetrable,
- imprecise,
- in two,
- inaccurate,
- inarticulate,
- inchoate,
- incognizable,
- incommensurable,
- incommensurate,
- incompatible,
- incomprehensible,
- incongruous,
- inconsequent,
- inconsistent,
- inconsonant,
- indecisive,
- indefinable,
- indefinite,
- indeterminable,
- indeterminate,
- indistinct,
- inexact,
- inscrutable,
- insular,
- intermittent,
- interrupted,
- irrational,
- irreconcilable,
- irregular,
- jagged,
- jerky,
- jumbled,
- lax,
- lightheaded,
- loose,
- maundering,
- mixed up,
- muddled,
- nonadherent,
- nonadhesive,
- noncoherent,
- noncohesive,
- noncontinuous,
- nonlinear,
- nonsequential,
- nonserial,
- nonspecific,
- nonuniform,
- numinous,
- obscure,
- off,
- open,
- orderless,
- out of proportion,
- oxymoronic,
- paradoxical,
- parenthetic,
- partitioned,
- past comprehension,
- patchy,
- rambling,
- random,
- ranting,
- raving,
- scrambled,
- scrappy,
- self-contradictory,
- separate,
- shadowed forth,
- shadowy,
- shapeless,
- snatchy,
- spasmodic,
- spotty,
- stochastic,
- suspended,
- sweeping,
- tenuous,
- tongue-tied,
- unadhesive,
- unassociated,
- unattached,
- unattended,
- unclear,
- uncoherent,
- uncohesive,
- unconnected,
- undefined,
- undestined,
- undetermined,
- unfathomable,
- unintelligible,
- unjoined,
- unknowable,
- unorganized,
- unplain,
- unsearchable,
- unspecified,
- unsuccessive,
- untenacious,
- vague,
- veiled,
- wandering,
- wild