Exact Match:
- indiscriminate
- not marked by fine distinctions; "indiscriminate reading habits"; "an indiscriminate mixture of colors and styles"
- failing to make or recognize distinctions
- aimless,
- amalgamated,
- ambiguous,
- ambivalent,
- amorphous,
- amphibious,
- assorted,
- blanket,
- blended,
- broad,
- capricious,
- careless,
- casual,
- causeless,
- chaotic,
- combined,
- complex,
- composite,
- compound,
- compounded,
- confused,
- conglomerate,
- dappled,
- designless,
- desultory,
- diffuse,
- disarranged,
- disarticulated,
- discontinuous,
- disjunct,
- disordered,
- disorganized,
- dispersed,
- disproportionate,
- driftless,
- dysteleological,
- eclectic,
- equivocal,
- erratic,
- extensive,
- far-embracing,
- far-extending,
- far-flung,
- far-flying,
- far-going,
- far-ranging,
- far-reaching,
- fifty-fifty,
- fitful,
- formless,
- frivolous,
- general,
- gratuitous,
- half-and-half,
- haphazard,
- heterogeneous,
- higgledy-piggledy,
- hit-or-miss,
- immethodical,
- imprudent,
- inchoate,
- incoherent,
- indiscreet,
- indiscriminating,
- indiscriminative,
- inexplicable,
- insensitive,
- intricate,
- ironic,
- irregular,
- jumbled,
- large-scale,
- liberal,
- many-sided,
- meaningless,
- medley,
- mindless,
- mingled,
- miscellaneous,
- misshapen,
- mixed,
- mixed-up,
- motley,
- multifaceted,
- multifarious,
- multinational,
- multiracial,
- nonjudgmental,
- nonsymmetrical,
- nonsystematic,
- nonuniform,
- orderless,
- patchy,
- planless,
- pluralistic,
- promiscuous,
- purposeless,
- random,
- scrambled,
- senseless,
- shallow,
- shapeless,
- spasmodic,
- sporadic,
- spot,
- stochastic,
- straggling,
- straggly,
- stray,
- superficial,
- sweeping,
- syncretic,
- systemless,
- tactless,
- thrown together,
- unaccountable,
- unarranged,
- unclassified,
- unconsidered,
- uncritical,
- uncriticizing,
- undemanding,
- undifferentiating,
- undirected,
- undiscerning,
- undiscreet,
- undiscriminated,
- undiscriminating,
- undiscriminative,
- undistinguishing,
- unexacting,
- unfastidious,
- ungraded,
- unjoined,
- unmethodical,
- unmeticulous,
- unmotivated,
- unordered,
- unorganized,
- unparticular,
- unplanned,
- unselective,
- unsorted,
- unsubtle,
- unsymmetrical,
- unsystematic,
- untactful,
- ununiform,
- vague,
- varied,
- wandering,
- wholesale,
- wide,
- wide-extended,
- wide-extending,
- wide-ranging,
- wide-reaching,
- wide-stretching,
- widespread