Exact Match:
- inexperience
- lack of experience and the knowledge and understanding derived from experience; "procedural inexperience created difficulties"; "their poor behavior was due to the rawness of the troops"
- agnosticism,
- amateurishness,
- amateurism,
- blankmindedness,
- callowness,
- dewiness,
- disaccustomedness,
- empty-headedness,
- freshness,
- greenhornism,
- greenness,
- hiatus of learning,
- ignorance,
- ignorantism,
- ignorantness,
- immaturity,
- inanity,
- infancy,
- innocence,
- juiciness,
- juniority,
- know-nothingism,
- knowledge-gap,
- lack of information,
- minority,
- naivete,
- naivety,
- nescience,
- newness to,
- nonage,
- obscurantism,
- rawness,
- sappiness,
- simpleness,
- simplicity,
- tabula rasa,
- unaccustomedness,
- unacquaintance,
- unacquaintedness,
- unconversance,
- undevelopment,
- unexperiencedness,
- unfamiliarity,
- unfledgedness,
- unhabituatedness,
- unintelligence,
- unknowing,
- unknowingness,
- unpracticedness,
- unprofessionalism,
- unprofessionalness,
- unripeness,
- unsophistication,
- unwontedness,
- vacuity,
- vacuousness,
- verdancy