Exact Match:
- inoperable
- not suitable for surgery; "metastasis has rendered the tumor inoperable"
- not able to perform its normal function
- beyond one,
- beyond recall,
- beyond remedy,
- cureless,
- functionless,
- gone,
- immedicable,
- impracticable,
- impractical,
- in disrepair,
- inapplicable,
- incorrigible,
- incurable,
- inoperative,
- insuperable,
- insurmountable,
- irreclaimable,
- irrecoverable,
- irredeemable,
- irreformable,
- irremediable,
- irreparable,
- irretrievable,
- irreversible,
- irrevocable,
- lost,
- nonfunctional,
- nonutilitarian,
- otiose,
- out of order,
- out of whack,
- past hope,
- past praying for,
- remediless,
- ruined,
- terminal,
- too much for,
- unachievable,
- unattainable,
- uncompassable,
- unconducive,
- undoable,
- undone,
- uneffectible,
- unemployable,
- unfit,
- unhelpful,
- unmitigable,
- unnegotiable,
- unperformable,
- unrealizable,
- unrelievable,
- unsalvable,
- unsalvageable,
- unsuitable,
- unsurmountable,
- unusable,
- unworkable