in addition; "computer chess games are getting cheaper all the time; furthermore, their quality is improving"; "the cellar was dark; moreover, mice nested there"; "what is more, there's no sign of a change"
in like or similar manner; "He was similarly affected"; "some people have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil"- Samuel Johnson
more distant in especially space or time; "they live in the farther house"
to or at a greater distance in time or space (`farther' is used more frequently than `further' in this physical sense); "farther north"; "moved farther away"; "farther down the corridor"; "the practice may go back still farther to the Druids"; "went only three miles further"; "further in the future"
other than what is under consideration or implied; "ask somebody else"; "I don't know what else to do"; "where else can we look?"
(usually used with `or') if not, then; "watch your step or else you may fall"; "leave or else I'll get angry"
additional to or different from this one or place or time or manner; "nobody else is here"; "she ignored everything else"; "I don't know where else to look"; "when else can we have the party?"; "couldn't decide how else it could be done"
English statesman who opposed Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded; recalled for his concept of Utopia, the ideal state
used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs; "more interesting"; "more beautiful"; "more quickly"
comparative of much; to a greater degree or extent; "he works more now"; "they eat more than they should"
in conjunction with; combined; "our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damage"; "we couldn't pay for the damages with all our salaries put together"
in collaboration or cooperation; "this paper was written jointly"
in addition; "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond"
farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond"
on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond"
the Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell) depending on the person's own actions
a second or new birth
embodiment in a new form (especially the reappearance or a person in another form); "his reincarnation as a lion"
place in the earth and cover with soil; "They buried the stolen goods"
embed deeply; "She sank her fingers into the soft sand"; "He buried his head in her lap"
cover from sight; "Afghani women buried under their burkas"
place in a grave or tomb; "Stalin was buried behind the Kremlin wall on Red Square"; "The pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids"; "My grandfather was laid to rest last Sunday"
more distant in especially degree; "nothing could be further from the truth"; "further from our expectations"; "farther from the truth"; "farther from our expectations"
to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage (`further' is used more often than `farther' in this abstract sense); "further complicated by uncertainty about the future"; "let's not discuss it further"; "nothing could be further from the truth"; "they are further along in their research than we expected"; "the application of the law was extended farther"; "he is going no farther in his studies"
in addition or furthermore; "if we further suppose"; "stated further that he would not cooperate with them"; "they are definitely coming; further, they should be here already"
acceleration of a chemical reaction induced the presence of material that is chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction; "of the top 50 commodity chemicals, 30 are created directly by catalysis and another 6 are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced"