Exact Match:
- introduction
- the act of beginning something new; "they looked forward to the debut of their new product line"
- the first section of a communication
- a basic or elementary instructional text
- a new proposal; "they resisted the introduction of impractical alternatives"
- Vorspiel,
- abecedarium,
- abecedary,
- access,
- acknowledgments,
- acquaintance,
- acquaintedness,
- act,
- admission,
- afterpiece,
- and arithmetic,
- aside,
- avant-propos,
- back,
- back matter,
- bastard title,
- bibliography,
- bit,
- breakthrough,
- catch line,
- catchword,
- chaser,
- close acquaintance,
- cloture,
- coinage,
- colophon,
- coming out,
- committee consideration,
- concert overture,
- contents,
- contents page,
- copyright page,
- curtain,
- curtain call,
- curtain raiser,
- debate,
- debut,
- dedication,
- deliberation,
- descant,
- discovery,
- divertimento,
- divertissement,
- division,
- dramatic overture,
- elementary education,
- elements,
- embarkation,
- embarkment,
- embedment,
- endleaf,
- endpaper,
- endsheet,
- entrance,
- entree,
- entry,
- epilogue,
- episode,
- errata,
- exode,
- exodus,
- exordium,
- expository scene,
- filibuster,
- filibustering,
- filing,
- finale,
- first appearance,
- first reading,
- first steps,
- floating,
- flotation,
- flyleaf,
- folio,
- fore edge,
- foreword,
- front matter,
- frontispiece,
- graft,
- grafting,
- half-title page,
- head,
- hoke act,
- hornbook,
- impaction,
- impactment,
- implantation,
- import,
- importation,
- importing,
- imprint,
- inaugural address,
- inauguration,
- income,
- incoming,
- index,
- induction,
- infiltration,
- infix,
- infixion,
- infusion,
- ingoing,
- ingress,
- ingression,
- initiation,
- injection,
- innovation,
- inoculation,
- input,
- inscription,
- insert,
- insertion,
- insinuation,
- installation,
- installment,
- intake,
- intercalation,
- interjection,
- interlineation,
- interlocution,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- intermission,
- interpenetration,
- interpolation,
- introgression,
- intromission,
- intrusion,
- invention,
- knockdown,
- launching,
- leaf,
- leakage,
- leap,
- logrolling,
- maiden speech,
- makeup,
- neologism,
- new phase,
- novelty,
- number,
- obiter dictum,
- opener,
- operatic overture,
- overture,
- page,
- parenthesis,
- penetration,
- percolation,
- perfusion,
- postulate,
- preamble,
- preface,
- prefix,
- prefixture,
- preliminaries,
- preliminary,
- prelude,
- premise,
- presentation,
- presupposition,
- primer,
- proem,
- prolegomena,
- prolegomenon,
- prolepsis,
- prologue,
- propaedeutic,
- protasis,
- reading,
- reception,
- recto,
- remark,
- reverso,
- roll call,
- routine,
- rudiments,
- running title,
- scene,
- second reading,
- seepage,
- shtick,
- side remark,
- signature,
- sketch,
- skit,
- song and dance,
- stand-up comedy act,
- steamroller methods,
- striptease,
- subtitle,
- table of contents,
- tabling,
- tail,
- talkathon,
- tessellation,
- text,
- third reading,
- title,
- title page,
- tossing-in,
- trim size,
- turn,
- type page,
- unveiling,
- vamp,
- verse,
- verso,
- voluntary,
- vote,
- writing