Exact Match:
- irregular
- merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name
- not occurring at expected times
- independent in behavior or thought; "she led a somewhat irregular private life"; "maverick politicians"
- of a surface; not level or flat; "walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface"
- lacking continuity or regularity; "an irregular worker"; "employed on a temporary basis"
- contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice; "irregular hiring practices"
- (of solids) not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the principle of liquid displacement
- (used of the military) not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces; "irregular troops"; "irregular warfare"
- Bohemian,
- Charley,
- Mickey Mouse,
- VC,
- Vietcong,
- aberrant,
- abnormal,
- actionable,
- adrift,
- affable,
- afloat,
- against the law,
- aimless,
- alternating,
- amorphous,
- anamorphous,
- anarchic,
- anarchistic,
- anomalistic,
- anomalous,
- anomic,
- askew,
- asymmetric,
- asymmetrical,
- atypical,
- base,
- bent,
- bizarre,
- black-market,
- bootleg,
- bowed,
- broken,
- broken off,
- bumpy,
- bushfighter,
- bushwhacker,
- capricious,
- careening,
- casual,
- catchy,
- changeable,
- changeful,
- changing,
- chargeable,
- cheap,
- cheesy,
- chopped-off,
- choppy,
- coarse,
- coarse-grained,
- cockeyed,
- common,
- contorted,
- contraband,
- contrary to law,
- cordial,
- corrugated,
- craggy,
- crank,
- crankish,
- cranky,
- crazy,
- criminal,
- crooked,
- cross-grained,
- crotchety,
- crumpled,
- crunched,
- decousu,
- degage,
- designless,
- desultory,
- deviable,
- deviant,
- deviating,
- deviative,
- deviatory,
- different,
- disarticulated,
- disconnected,
- discontinued,
- discontinuous,
- discrete,
- disjunct,
- disjunctive,
- disordered,
- disorderly,
- disparate,
- dispersed,
- disproportional,
- disproportionate,
- distorted,
- divaricate,
- divergent,
- diversified,
- diversiform,
- dizzy,
- dotty,
- easy,
- easygoing,
- eccentric,
- episodic,
- erose,
- erratic,
- exceptional,
- extraordinary,
- familiar,
- fast and loose,
- felonious,
- fey,
- fickle,
- fitful,
- flaky,
- flawed,
- flickering,
- flighty,
- flitting,
- fluctuating,
- folksy,
- formless,
- fourth-class,
- freakish,
- freaky,
- free and easy,
- frivolous,
- funny,
- giddy,
- gracious,
- grainy,
- granulated,
- gratuitous,
- guerrilla,
- guttering,
- halting,
- haphazard,
- haymish,
- herky-jerky,
- heteroclite,
- heteromorphic,
- hit-or-miss,
- homely,
- homespun,
- homey,
- horripilant,
- idiocratic,
- idiosyncratic,
- ill-matched,
- ill-sorted,
- illegal,
- illegitimate,
- illicit,
- immethodical,
- impermissible,
- impetuous,
- impulsive,
- inadequate,
- inchoate,
- incoherent,
- inconsistent,
- inconstant,
- indecisive,
- indiscriminate,
- inequal,
- inferior,
- infirm,
- informal,
- insufficient,
- intermittent,
- intermitting,
- interrupted,
- irresolute,
- irresponsible,
- jagged,
- jerky,
- jolty,
- justiciable,
- kinky,
- kooky,
- labyrinthine,
- lawless,
- linsey-woolsey,
- loose,
- lopsided,
- low-class,
- low-grade,
- low-quality,
- low-test,
- lumpy,
- lurching,
- maggoty,
- maquis,
- maquisard,
- mazy,
- mean,
- meaningless,
- mercurial,
- mismatched,
- misshapen,
- moody,
- motley,
- mutable,
- natural,
- nonconforming,
- nonconformist,
- nonconstitutional,
- noncontinuous,
- nonlegal,
- nonlicit,
- nonlinear,
- nonsequential,
- nonserial,
- nonstandard,
- nonsymmetric,
- nonsymmetrical,
- nonsystematic,
- nonuniform,
- nutty,
- occasional,
- odd,
- oddball,
- off-balance,
- off-key,
- offbeat,
- offhand,
- offhanded,
- one-sided,
- orderless,
- out of proportion,
- outlaw,
- outlawed,
- overbalanced,
- paltry,
- parenthetic,
- partisan,
- patchy,
- patriot,
- peculiar,
- pimply,
- pitted,
- plain,
- planless,
- pluralistic,
- pocky,
- poor,
- potholed,
- promiscuous,
- punishable,
- punk,
- purposeless,
- queer,
- quirky,
- ragged,
- rambling,
- random,
- rank,
- relaxed,
- resistance,
- resistance fighter,
- restless,
- ripply,
- rough,
- rough-grained,
- rough-hewn,
- roving,
- ruffled,
- rutted,
- rutty,
- scatterbrained,
- schlock,
- schmatte,
- scrappy,
- screwball,
- screwy,
- second,
- second-best,
- second-class,
- seedy,
- senseless,
- shabby,
- shagged,
- shaggy,
- shapeless,
- shifting,
- shifty,
- shuffling,
- simple,
- singular,
- skew,
- skewed,
- snatchy,
- sociable,
- spasmatic,
- spasmic,
- spasmodic,
- spastic,
- spineless,
- sporadic,
- spotty,
- sprung,
- staggering,
- straggling,
- straggly,
- strange,
- stray,
- straying,
- subnormal,
- suspended,
- systemless,
- tacky,
- textured,
- third,
- third-class,
- third-rate,
- tinny,
- tortuous,
- triable,
- twisted,
- unaccountable,
- unaffected,
- unallowed,
- unarranged,
- unassuming,
- unauthorized,
- unbalanced,
- unceremonious,
- uncertain,
- unclassified,
- uncommon,
- unconnected,
- unconsidered,
- unconstitutional,
- unconstrained,
- uncontrolled,
- unconventional,
- undependable,
- under-the-counter,
- under-the-table,
- underground,
- underground fighter,
- undirected,
- undisciplined,
- unequable,
- unequal,
- uneven,
- unfixed,
- ungraded,
- unique,
- unjoined,
- unkempt,
- unlawful,
- unlevel,
- unmethodical,
- unmetrical,
- unnatural,
- unofficial,
- unordered,
- unorganized,
- unorthodox,
- unpolished,
- unpredictable,
- unrefined,
- unregular,
- unreliable,
- unrestrained,
- unrhythmical,
- unsettled,
- unsmooth,
- unsorted,
- unstable,
- unstable as water,
- unstaid,
- unstatutory,
- unsteadfast,
- unsteady,
- unstudied,
- unsuccessive,
- unsymmetric,
- unsymmetrical,
- unsystematic,
- ununiform,
- unusual,
- unwarrantable,
- unwarranted,
- vacillating,
- vagrant,
- vague,
- variable,
- variegated,
- variform,
- various,
- varying,
- veering,
- vicissitudinary,
- vicissitudinous,
- volatile,
- wacky,
- wandering,
- wanton,
- warped,
- wavering,
- wavery,
- wavy,
- wayward,
- weird,
- whimsical,
- wimpled,
- wishy-washy,
- wobbling,
- wobbly,
- wrongful