Exact Match:
- itch
- an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch
- have a strong desire or urge to do something; "She is itching to start the project"; "He is spoiling for a fight"
- have or perceive an itch; "I'm itching--the air is so dry!"
- ache,
- acne,
- acne vulgaris,
- an universal wolf,
- andromania,
- aphrodisia,
- appetence,
- appetency,
- appetite,
- appetition,
- biological urge,
- bodily appetite,
- carnal desire,
- concupiscence,
- coveting,
- crave,
- craving,
- dermamycosis,
- dermatitis,
- dermatosis,
- desire,
- die,
- eczema,
- elephantiasis,
- epithelioma,
- eromania,
- eroticism,
- eroticomaniac,
- erotism,
- erotomania,
- erysipelas,
- erythema,
- exanthem,
- fidget,
- fleshly lust,
- furor uterinus,
- goatishness,
- gynecomania,
- hanker,
- hankering,
- have the fidgets,
- heat rash,
- herpes,
- herpes simplex,
- herpes zoster,
- hives,
- horniness,
- hot blood,
- hot pants,
- hunger,
- impetigo,
- indecency,
- infantile sexuality,
- irritation,
- itchiness,
- itching,
- jerk,
- jig,
- jigger,
- jigget,
- jiggle,
- jungle rot,
- lasciviousness,
- leprosy,
- libidinousness,
- lichen,
- lichen primus,
- lickerishness,
- longing,
- lupus,
- lupus vulgaris,
- lust,
- lustfulness,
- mania,
- miliaria,
- nymphomania,
- passion,
- pemphigus,
- pine,
- polymorphous perversity,
- prick,
- prickle,
- prickling,
- prickly heat,
- pruigo,
- prurience,
- pruriency,
- pruritus,
- psora,
- ringworm,
- satyriasis,
- satyrism,
- scabies,
- scratch,
- sexual desire,
- sexual longing,
- sexual passion,
- shingles,
- sigh,
- skin cancer,
- sting,
- tetter,
- thirst,
- thrill,
- tickle,
- tickling,
- tingle,
- tingling,
- twitch,
- urge,
- vellicate,
- venereal appetite,
- want,
- wish,
- yearn,
- yearning,
- yen,
- yeuk