Exact Match:
- kitsch
- art in pretentious bad taste
- Babbittry,
- French literature,
- Renaissance literature,
- ancient literature,
- art object,
- bad taste,
- belles lettres,
- bourgeois taste,
- brainchild,
- bric-a-brac,
- camp,
- campiness,
- classic,
- classics,
- composition,
- contemporary literature,
- creation,
- design,
- erotic literature,
- erotica,
- folk literature,
- grotesque,
- high camp,
- humane letters,
- impropriety,
- inappropriateness,
- indecency,
- indecorousness,
- indecorum,
- indelicacy,
- inelegance,
- inelegancy,
- letters,
- literature,
- low camp,
- master,
- masterpiece,
- masterwork,
- medieval literature,
- mobile,
- museum piece,
- national literature,
- nude,
- obscene literature,
- old master,
- pasticcio,
- pastiche,
- philistinism,
- piece,
- piece of virtu,
- polite literature,
- poor taste,
- pop,
- pop culture,
- pop literature,
- popular literature,
- pornographic literature,
- pornography,
- pseudonymous literature,
- republic of letters,
- scatological literature,
- serious literature,
- stabile,
- statue,
- still life,
- study,
- tastelessness,
- travel literature,
- unaestheticism,
- unaestheticness,
- unbecomingness,
- underground literature,
- unfittingness,
- unseemliness,
- unsuitability,
- unsuitableness,
- virtu,
- vulgar taste,
- vulgarism,
- vulgarity,
- vulgarness,
- wisdom literature,
- work,
- work of art