Exact Match:
- lackadaisical
- idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way; "she was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical"; "a...lackadaisical, spiritless young man-about-town"- P.G.Wodehouse
- Micawberish,
- apathetic,
- ataractic,
- backward,
- benumbed,
- blase,
- bored,
- careless,
- casual,
- cold,
- cool,
- dallying,
- dead,
- debilitated,
- degage,
- delaying,
- devil-may-care,
- dilatory,
- dillydallying,
- disinterested,
- dispassionate,
- disregardful,
- dopey,
- dormant,
- droopy,
- drugged,
- dull,
- easy,
- easygoing,
- emasculated,
- enervated,
- exanimate,
- faineant,
- foot-dragging,
- free and easy,
- heavy,
- hebetudinous,
- heedless,
- idle,
- inactive,
- inanimate,
- inattentive,
- incurious,
- indifferent,
- indolent,
- inert,
- inexcitable,
- insouciant,
- jaded,
- laggard,
- lagging,
- languid,
- languishing,
- languorous,
- lax,
- lazy,
- leaden,
- lethargic,
- lifeless,
- limp,
- lingering,
- listless,
- loitering,
- lukewarm,
- lumpish,
- mindless,
- moribund,
- negligent,
- nonchalant,
- numb,
- offhand,
- passive,
- perfunctory,
- phlegmatic,
- pococurante,
- pooped,
- procrastinating,
- procrastinative,
- procrastinatory,
- reckless,
- regardless,
- remiss,
- romantic,
- sated,
- sentimental,
- shuffling,
- slack,
- sleepy,
- slothful,
- slow,
- sluggish,
- somnolent,
- spiritless,
- stagnant,
- stagnating,
- stultified,
- supine,
- tepid,
- torpid,
- turned-off,
- unanxious,
- uncaring,
- unconcerned,
- undiscriminating,
- unemotional,
- unenthusiastic,
- unexcitable,
- unexcited,
- unimpressed,
- uninspired,
- uninterested,
- unmindful,
- unmoved,
- unsolicitous,
- vegetable,
- vegetative,
- wan,
- weary,
- world-weary