- Heimweh,
- aching,
- adoring,
- affectionate,
- bowed-down,
- cachectic,
- cachexia,
- cachexy,
- cast down,
- chronic ill health,
- coming apart,
- conjugal,
- contractive,
- cracking,
- crumbling,
- dashed,
- debilitated,
- debilitation,
- debility,
- decadent,
- declining,
- decreasing,
- decrepitude,
- decrescendo,
- decrescent,
- degenerate,
- dejected,
- delicacy,
- delicate health,
- deliquescent,
- demonstrative,
- depressed,
- desiderium,
- despairing,
- despondent,
- desponding,
- deteriorating,
- devoted,
- diminishing,
- diminuendo,
- discouraged,
- disheartened,
- disintegrating,
- dispirited,
- down,
- downcast,
- downhearted,
- drained,
- draining,
- drawn-out,
- drooping,
- droopy,
- dwindling,
- ebbing,
- effete,
- enervated,
- enervation,
- enfeebled,
- exhausted,
- exhaustion,
- extended,
- fading,
- failing,
- faineant,
- faithful,
- falling,
- feeble,
- feebleness,
- feeling low,
- filial,
- flagging,
- fond,
- fragility,
- fragmenting,
- frail,
- frailty,
- going to pieces,
- hankering,
- healthless,
- healthlessness,
- heartless,
- homesick,
- homesickness,
- honing,
- husbandly,
- hypochondria,
- hypochondriac,
- hypochondriacal,
- hypochondriasis,
- ill health,
- in low spirits,
- in poor health,
- in the depths,
- in the doldrums,
- in the dumps,
- indolent,
- infirm,
- infirmity,
- interminable,
- invalid,
- invalidism,
- invalidity,
- lackadaisical,
- languishment,
- languorous,
- lasting,
- lengthened,
- lessening,
- limp,
- lingering,
- listless,
- long,
- long-continuing,
- long-drawn,
- long-drawn-out,
- long-pending,
- long-winded,
- longing,
- lovelorn,
- lovesick,
- lovesome,
- loving,
- low,
- low-spirited,
- mal du pays,
- maladie du pays,
- marathon,
- marcescent,
- maternal,
- melting,
- morbidity,
- morbidness,
- moribund,
- nostalgia,
- nostalgic,
- nostomania,
- on the wane,
- overlong,
- pale,
- parental,
- paternal,
- peaked,
- peakedness,
- peaky,
- pessimistic,
- pining,
- poor health,
- prolonged,
- protracted,
- reduced,
- reduced in health,
- reductive,
- regressive,
- retrograde,
- retrogressive,
- romantic,
- run-down,
- sentimental,
- shriveling,
- sickliness,
- sickly,
- sinking,
- sliding,
- slipping,
- slumping,
- soft,
- spiritless,
- spun-out,
- stretched-out,
- subdued,
- subsiding,
- suicidal,
- tabetic,
- tender,
- unhealthiness,
- unhealthy,
- unsound,
- unsoundness,
- unwholesomeness,
- uxorious,
- valetudinarian,
- valetudinarianism,
- valetudinary,
- waning,
- wasting,
- weakened,
- weakliness,
- weakly,
- weary of life,
- wifely,
- wilting,
- wishful,
- wistful,
- with low resistance,
- withering,
- woebegone,
- world-weary,
- worsening,
- yearnful,
- yearning,
- yen