Exact Match:
- league
- an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members
- an association of states or organizations or individuals for common action
- an obsolete unit of distance of variable length (usually 3 miles)
- unite to form a league
- Anschluss,
- Bund,
- Rochdale cooperative,
- accouple,
- accumulate,
- act in concert,
- act together,
- addition,
- affiliate,
- affiliate with,
- affiliation,
- agglomeration,
- agglutinate,
- aggregation,
- agreement,
- alignment,
- alliance,
- ally,
- amalgamate,
- amalgamation,
- amass,
- anschluss,
- articulate,
- assemblage,
- assemble,
- assimilation,
- associate,
- association,
- axis,
- band,
- band together,
- be in cahoots,
- be in league,
- blend,
- blending,
- bloc,
- body,
- bond,
- bracket,
- bridge,
- bridge over,
- brotherhood,
- bunch,
- bunch up,
- cabal,
- cahoots,
- capitulation,
- cartel,
- category,
- cement,
- cement a union,
- centralization,
- centralize,
- chain,
- circuit,
- clap together,
- clot,
- club,
- club together,
- cluster,
- coact,
- coadunation,
- coalesce,
- coalescence,
- coalition,
- collaborate,
- colleagueship,
- collect,
- college,
- collegialism,
- collegiality,
- collude,
- combination,
- combine,
- combo,
- come into,
- come together,
- common market,
- composition,
- comprise,
- comradeship,
- concatenate,
- concert,
- concord,
- concordat,
- concur,
- confederacy,
- confederate,
- confederation,
- conference,
- confraternity,
- congeries,
- conglobulate,
- conglomeration,
- congregate,
- conjoin,
- conjugate,
- conjugation,
- conjunction,
- connect,
- consociate,
- consolidate,
- consolidation,
- conspiracy,
- conspire,
- consumer cooperative,
- convention,
- converge,
- cooperate,
- cooperative,
- cooperative society,
- copartnership,
- copartnery,
- copulate,
- corps,
- council,
- couple,
- cover,
- credit union,
- creep in,
- crowd,
- customs union,
- date,
- division,
- do business with,
- economic community,
- ecumenism,
- embodiment,
- embrace,
- encompass,
- encompassment,
- enlist,
- enosis,
- enroll,
- entente,
- entente cordiale,
- enter,
- federalization,
- federalize,
- federate,
- federation,
- fellowship,
- flock together,
- flow together,
- forgather,
- fraternalism,
- fraternity,
- fraternization,
- free trade area,
- freemasonry,
- fuse,
- fusion,
- gang,
- gang around,
- gang up,
- gather,
- gather around,
- get heads together,
- get into,
- get together,
- glue,
- go in partners,
- go in partnership,
- go into,
- go partners,
- grade,
- group,
- grouping,
- guild,
- hang together,
- harmonize,
- herd together,
- hive,
- hold together,
- hook up,
- hook up with,
- hookup,
- horde,
- huddle,
- include,
- inclusion,
- incorporation,
- integration,
- international agreement,
- join,
- join forces,
- join fortunes with,
- join in,
- join together,
- join up,
- join up with,
- join with,
- junction,
- junta,
- keep together,
- knot,
- lay together,
- league together,
- league with,
- link,
- loop,
- lump together,
- machine,
- make common cause,
- marriage,
- marry,
- marshal,
- mass,
- meet,
- meld,
- melding,
- merge,
- merger,
- mill,
- mob,
- mobilize,
- muster,
- mutual-defense treaty,
- nonaggression pact,
- order,
- organize,
- package,
- package deal,
- paction,
- pair,
- pair off,
- partner,
- partnership,
- piece together,
- pigeonhole,
- play ball,
- political machine,
- pull together,
- put heads together,
- put together,
- rally,
- rally around,
- reciprocate,
- rendezvous,
- ring,
- seethe,
- sign on,
- sign up,
- sneak in,
- society,
- sodality,
- solder,
- solidification,
- sorority,
- span,
- splice,
- stand together,
- stand up with,
- stick together,
- stream,
- surge,
- swarm,
- syncretism,
- syndication,
- syneresis,
- synthesis,
- take in,
- take out membership,
- take up membership,
- tape,
- team up,
- team up with,
- team with,
- throng,
- throw in together,
- throw in with,
- tie,
- tie in,
- tie in with,
- tie up,
- tie up with,
- tie-in,
- tie-up,
- tier,
- treaty,
- unification,
- unify,
- union,
- unionize,
- unite,
- unite efforts,
- unite with,
- wed,
- wedding,
- weld,
- wheel,
- work together,
- yoke