- Australia,
- Barbados,
- Belgium,
- Chamber of Deputies,
- Chile,
- Colombia,
- Dominican Republic,
- Ecuador,
- Ethiopia,
- Fiji,
- France,
- House of Commons,
- House of Representatives,
- Iran,
- Ireland,
- Italy,
- Jamaica,
- Japan,
- Jordan,
- Laos,
- Liberia,
- Malagasy Republic,
- Malaysia,
- Mexico,
- Netherlands,
- Nicaragua,
- Norway,
- Paraguay,
- Philippines,
- Portugal,
- Rhodesia,
- South Africa,
- Swaziland,
- Switzerland,
- Turkey,
- US,
- United Kingdom,
- Venezuela,
- West Germany,
- assembly,
- bicameral legislature,
- board of aldermen,
- chamber of deputies,
- city board,
- city council,
- commission,
- common council,
- congress,
- court,
- diet,
- federal assembly,
- general assembly,
- house of assembly,
- legislative assembly,
- legislative body,
- legislative chamber,
- legislature,
- lower chamber,
- national assembly,
- parliament,
- provincial legislature,
- provincial parliament,
- representative town meeting,
- soviet,
- state assembly,
- state legislature,
- town meeting,
- unicameral legislature,
- upper chamber,
- upper house