Exact Match:
- malapropism
- the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar
- Irish bull,
- abuse of terms,
- acrostic,
- alliteration,
- allusion,
- amphibologism,
- amphiboly,
- anacoluthon,
- anadiplosis,
- anagram,
- analogy,
- anaphora,
- anastrophe,
- antiphrasis,
- antithesis,
- antonomasia,
- apophasis,
- aporia,
- aposiopesis,
- apostrophe,
- barbarism,
- bull,
- calembour,
- catachresis,
- chiasmus,
- circumlocution,
- climax,
- conversion,
- corruption,
- ecphonesis,
- emphasis,
- equivocality,
- equivoque,
- exclamation,
- fluff,
- folk etymology,
- gemination,
- grammatical error,
- hypallage,
- hyperbaton,
- hyperbole,
- hypercorrection,
- hyperform,
- infelicity,
- inversion,
- irony,
- jeu de mots,
- litotes,
- logogram,
- logogriph,
- malaprop,
- marrowsky,
- meiosis,
- metagram,
- metaphor,
- metonymy,
- misconstruction,
- mispronunciation,
- missaying,
- misusage,
- onomatopoeia,
- oxymoron,
- palindrome,
- paregmenon,
- parenthesis,
- paronomasia,
- periphrasis,
- personification,
- play on words,
- pleonasm,
- preterition,
- prolepsis,
- pun,
- punning,
- regression,
- repetition,
- sarcasm,
- simile,
- similitude,
- solecism,
- spoonerism,
- syllepsis,
- symploce,
- synecdoche,
- ungrammaticism,
- wordplay,
- zeugma