Exact Match:
- mange
- a persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammation and itching and loss of hair; affects domestic animals (and sometimes people)
- Texas fever,
- anthrax,
- aphthous fever,
- bighead,
- black quarter,
- blackleg,
- blackwater,
- blind staggers,
- bloody flux,
- broken wind,
- cattle plague,
- charbon,
- distemper,
- foot-and-mouth disease,
- gapes,
- glanders,
- heaves,
- hog cholera,
- hoof-and-mouth disease,
- hydrophobia,
- liver rot,
- loco,
- loco disease,
- locoism,
- mad staggers,
- malignant catarrh,
- malignant catarrhal fever,
- malignant pustule,
- megrims,
- milzbrand,
- paratuberculosis,
- pip,
- pseudotuberculosis,
- quarter evil,
- rabies,
- rinderpest,
- rot,
- scabies,
- sheep rot,
- splenic fever,
- staggers,
- stringhalt,
- swine dysentery