Exact Match:
- melancholia
- extreme depression characterized by tearful sadness and irrational fears
- abstraction,
- abulia,
- aching heart,
- agony,
- agony of mind,
- alienation,
- anguish,
- anxiety,
- anxiety equivalent,
- anxiety state,
- apathy,
- bale,
- bitterness,
- bleeding heart,
- brain disease,
- broken heart,
- catatonic stupor,
- compulsion,
- crack-up,
- crushing,
- cyclothymia,
- dejection,
- depression,
- depth of misery,
- desolation,
- despair,
- detachment,
- elation,
- emotional disorder,
- emotional instability,
- emotionalism,
- euphoria,
- extremity,
- flatuous melancholia,
- folie du doute,
- functional nervous disorder,
- gentle melancholy,
- grief,
- heartache,
- heavy heart,
- hypochondria,
- hysteria,
- hysterics,
- indifference,
- infelicity,
- insanity,
- insensibility,
- involutional psychosis,
- lethargy,
- maladjustment,
- mania,
- manic-depressive psychosis,
- melancholia attonita,
- melancholia religiosa,
- melancholiness,
- melancholy,
- mental disorder,
- mental distress,
- mental illness,
- misery,
- nervous breakdown,
- nervous disorder,
- neurosis,
- obsession,
- paranoia,
- pathological indecisiveness,
- pensiveness,
- personality disorder,
- preoccupation,
- problems in living,
- prostration,
- psychalgia,
- psychomotor disturbance,
- psychosis,
- reaction,
- romantic melancholy,
- sadness,
- schizophrenia,
- social maladjustment,
- stupor,
- stuporous melancholia,
- suicidal despair,
- tic,
- tristfulness,
- twitching,
- unresponsiveness,
- wistfulness,
- withdrawal,
- woe,
- wretchedness