Exact Match:
- millennium
- a span of 1000 years
- the 1000th anniversary (or the celebration of it)
- (New Testament) in Revelations it is foretold that those faithful to Jesus will reign with Jesus over the earth for a thousand years; the meaning of these words have been much debated; some denominations (e.g. Jehovah's Witnesses) expect it to be a thousand years of justice and peace and happiness
- Agapemone,
- Arcadia,
- Big Rock-Candy Mountain,
- Canaan,
- Cloudcuckooland,
- Cockaigne,
- Eden,
- Eldorado,
- Erewhon,
- G,
- Garden of Eden,
- Goshen,
- Happy Valley,
- Land of Youth,
- Laputa,
- M,
- Never-Never-land,
- Neverland,
- New Atlantis,
- Pandemonium,
- Quivira,
- Saturnia regna,
- Saturnian age,
- Shangri-la,
- Utopia,
- abundant year,
- academic year,
- age of Aquarius,
- annum,
- bissextile year,
- calendar month,
- calendar year,
- century,
- chiliad,
- chiliagon,
- chiliahedron,
- chiliarch,
- chiliarchia,
- cloudland,
- common year,
- day,
- decade,
- decennary,
- decennium,
- defective year,
- dreamland,
- dystopia,
- era of prosperity,
- faerie,
- fair weather,
- fairyland,
- fiscal year,
- fortnight,
- golden age,
- golden era,
- golden time,
- good times,
- grand,
- halcyon days,
- heaven,
- heyday,
- hour,
- kakotopia,
- kilo,
- kilocycle,
- kilogram,
- kilohertz,
- kiloliter,
- kilometer,
- kingdom come,
- lakh,
- land of dreams,
- land of enchantment,
- land of faerie,
- land of plenty,
- land of promise,
- leap year,
- lotus land,
- lunar month,
- lunar year,
- lunation,
- luster,
- lustrum,
- man-hour,
- microsecond,
- millepede,
- milligram,
- milliliter,
- millisecond,
- minute,
- moment,
- month,
- moon,
- myriad,
- one hundred thousand,
- palmy days,
- paradise,
- piping times,
- promised land,
- prosperity,
- quarter,
- quinquennium,
- regular year,
- reign of Saturn,
- rosy era,
- second,
- semester,
- session,
- sidereal year,
- solar year,
- sun,
- sunshine,
- ten thousand,
- term,
- thou,
- thousand,
- trimester,
- twelvemonth,
- utopia,
- week,
- weekday,
- wonderland,
- yard,
- year