Exact Match:
- miss
- a form of address for an unmarried woman
- a failure to hit (or meet or find etc)
- fail to experience; "Fortunately, I missed the hurricane"
- fail to reach; "The arrow missed the target"
- feel or suffer from the lack of; "He misses his mother"
- fail to reach or get to; "She missed her train"
- fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind; "I missed that remark"; "She missed his point"; "We lost part of what he said"
- fail to attend an event or activity; "I missed the concert"; "He missed school for a week"
- be without; "This soup lacks salt"; "There is something missing in my jewellery box!"
- be absent; "The child had been missing for a week"
- abandon,
- avoid,
- babe,
- baby,
- bachelor girl,
- be bereaved of,
- be blind to,
- be caught out,
- be inattentive,
- be unwary,
- bird,
- blink at,
- blunder,
- broad,
- bungle,
- chick,
- clerical error,
- coed,
- colleen,
- come short,
- connive at,
- corrigendum,
- cut,
- cutie,
- dame,
- damoiselle,
- damsel,
- default,
- demoiselle,
- discount,
- disregard,
- dodge,
- doll,
- drop,
- err,
- erratum,
- error,
- escape,
- evade,
- fail,
- failure,
- fall down,
- fall short,
- fault,
- faute,
- filly,
- foozle,
- forfeit,
- forget,
- forgo,
- frail,
- gal,
- girl,
- girlie,
- give no heed,
- go amiss,
- go astray,
- go astray from,
- goldbrick,
- goof,
- goof off,
- groupie,
- hear nothing,
- heifer,
- hoyden,
- human error,
- ignore,
- incur loss,
- jeune fille,
- jill,
- jump,
- junior miss,
- kiss good-bye,
- lack,
- lass,
- lassie,
- leave,
- leave loose ends,
- leave out,
- leave undone,
- let alone,
- let be,
- let dangle,
- let go,
- let pass,
- let slip,
- little missy,
- long for,
- lose,
- lose out,
- mademoiselle,
- maid,
- maiden,
- make light of,
- malinger,
- misapprehend,
- misapprehension,
- miscalculation,
- miscarriage,
- miscarry,
- misconceive,
- misconception,
- misconstrue,
- miscount,
- misdeal,
- misexplain,
- misfire,
- misidentification,
- misinterpret,
- misjudgment,
- mislay,
- misplace,
- misplay,
- misprint,
- misquotation,
- misread,
- misreport,
- miss out,
- miss stays,
- miss the boat,
- miss the mark,
- misstatement,
- missy,
- mistake,
- mistranslate,
- misunderstand,
- misunderstanding,
- misuse,
- near-miss,
- need,
- not attend,
- not bear inspection,
- not hack it,
- not heed,
- not listen,
- not make it,
- not measure up,
- not notice,
- not pass muster,
- not qualify,
- nymph,
- nymphet,
- old maid,
- omission,
- omit,
- overlook,
- oversight,
- pass,
- pass by,
- pass over,
- pass up,
- pay no attention,
- pay no mind,
- piece,
- pine for,
- pretermit,
- procrastinate,
- require,
- romp,
- run short of,
- sacrifice,
- schoolgirl,
- schoolmaid,
- schoolmiss,
- see nothing,
- shirk,
- skip,
- skirt,
- slack,
- slight,
- slip,
- slip up,
- slipup,
- spinster,
- subdeb,
- subdebutante,
- subteen,
- subteener,
- suffer loss,
- teenager,
- teenybopper,
- think little of,
- tomato,
- tomboy,
- trifle,
- typo,
- typographical error,
- undergo privation,
- virgin,
- wander from,
- want,
- wench,
- wink at,
- wish for,
- yearn for,
- young creature,
- young thing