Exact Match:
- missing
- not able to be found; "missing in action"; "a missing person"
- absconded,
- absent,
- arrested,
- away,
- bankrupt in,
- bare of,
- bereft of,
- callow,
- defective,
- deficient,
- deleted,
- denuded of,
- departed,
- deprived of,
- destitute of,
- devoid,
- devoid of,
- disappeared,
- embryonic,
- empty of,
- existless,
- extinct,
- failing,
- for want of,
- forlorn of,
- gone,
- gone away,
- hypoplastic,
- immature,
- in arrear,
- in arrears,
- in default,
- in default of,
- in short supply,
- in want of,
- inadequate,
- incomplete,
- infant,
- lacking,
- lost,
- lost to sight,
- lost to view,
- minus,
- needing,
- negative,
- no longer present,
- no more,
- nonattendant,
- nonexistent,
- not found,
- not present,
- null,
- omitted,
- out of,
- out of pocket,
- out of sight,
- part,
- partial,
- past and gone,
- patchy,
- scant,
- scant of,
- scanty,
- scrappy,
- short,
- short of,
- shy,
- shy of,
- sketchy,
- subtracted,
- taken away,
- unblessed with,
- underdeveloped,
- undeveloped,
- unexisting,
- unpossessed of,
- vacuous,
- vanished,
- void,
- void of,
- wanting,
- without being