Exact Match:
- mystery
- something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained; "how it got out is a mystery"; "it remains one of nature's secrets"
- a story about a crime (usually murder) presented as a novel or play or movie
- Chinese puzzle,
- Grand Guignol,
- Marchen,
- Passion play,
- Tom show,
- Western,
- Western story,
- Westerner,
- adventure story,
- allegory,
- ambiguity,
- ambiguousness,
- anagoge,
- anagogics,
- anthroposophy,
- antimasque,
- apologue,
- arcanum,
- art,
- audience success,
- awesomeness,
- baffle,
- bafflement,
- baffling problem,
- ballet,
- bedtime story,
- beguilingness,
- bewilderment,
- bomb,
- bother,
- brain twister,
- brain-teaser,
- broadcast drama,
- burlesque show,
- business,
- cabala,
- cabalism,
- career,
- career building,
- careerism,
- ceremonial,
- ceremony,
- charade,
- classified information,
- cliff hanger,
- closet drama,
- comedy drama,
- confidence,
- confidential communication,
- confoundment,
- confusion,
- conundrum,
- craft,
- critical success,
- crossword puzzle,
- crux,
- dark horse,
- daytime serial,
- detective novel,
- detective story,
- dialogue,
- dilemma,
- discomposure,
- disconcert,
- disconcertedness,
- disconcertion,
- disconcertment,
- disturbance,
- documentary drama,
- drama,
- dramalogue,
- dramatic play,
- dramatic series,
- duodrama,
- duologue,
- duty,
- eeriness,
- elfdom,
- embarrassment,
- enchantingness,
- enigma,
- enigmatic question,
- enigmaticalness,
- enticingness,
- epic theater,
- esoterica,
- esotericism,
- esoterics,
- esoterism,
- esotery,
- experimental theater,
- extraordinariness,
- extravaganza,
- fable,
- fabliau,
- faerie,
- failure,
- fairy tale,
- fantasy,
- fascination,
- fiction,
- fix,
- floorer,
- flop,
- folk story,
- folktale,
- form,
- form of worship,
- formality,
- formula,
- formulary,
- frontier,
- frontiers of knowledge,
- function,
- game,
- gasser,
- gest,
- ghost story,
- giveaway,
- glamorousness,
- guarded secret,
- handicraft,
- happening,
- hermetics,
- hit,
- hit show,
- hocus-pocus,
- holy rite,
- horse opera,
- improvisational drama,
- indefinability,
- indefiniteness,
- inexplicability,
- inextricability,
- inscrutability,
- insolvability,
- institution,
- jam,
- jigsaw puzzle,
- knot,
- knotty point,
- legend,
- legitimate drama,
- lifework,
- line,
- line of business,
- line of work,
- liturgy,
- love story,
- marvelousness,
- masque,
- matter of ignorance,
- melodrama,
- metier,
- mind-boggler,
- minstrel show,
- miracle,
- miracle play,
- miraculousness,
- mission,
- mode of worship,
- monodrama,
- monologue,
- morality,
- morality play,
- mumbo jumbo,
- music drama,
- musical revue,
- mysteriousness,
- mystery of mysteries,
- mystery play,
- mystery story,
- mysticism,
- mystification,
- myth,
- mythology,
- mythos,
- n,
- nebulousness,
- nonplus,
- number,
- numinousness,
- nursery tale,
- nut to crack,
- obscurity,
- observance,
- occultism,
- occupation,
- office,
- opera,
- order of worship,
- ordinance,
- otherworldliness,
- pageant,
- panel show,
- pantomime,
- parable,
- pastoral,
- pastoral drama,
- perplexed question,
- perplexity,
- personal matter,
- perturbation,
- phenomenalness,
- pickle,
- piece,
- play,
- playlet,
- plight,
- poser,
- pother,
- practice,
- predicament,
- prescribed form,
- preternaturalism,
- private matter,
- privileged communication,
- privity,
- problem,
- problem play,
- prodigiousness,
- profession,
- profound secret,
- psychodrama,
- pursuit,
- puzzle,
- puzzlement,
- puzzler,
- quandary,
- question,
- question mark,
- quiz show,
- racket,
- radio drama,
- remarkableness,
- restricted information,
- review,
- revue,
- riddle,
- rite,
- ritual,
- ritual observance,
- rituality,
- romance,
- sacrament,
- sacramental,
- science fiction,
- scrape,
- sealed book,
- secrecy,
- secret,
- seductiveness,
- sensational play,
- serial,
- service,
- shocker,
- show,
- sitcom,
- situation comedy,
- sixty-four dollar question,
- sketch,
- skit,
- soap,
- soap opera,
- sociodrama,
- solemnity,
- space fiction,
- space opera,
- specialization,
- specialty,
- spectacle,
- stage play,
- stage show,
- stew,
- sticker,
- straight drama,
- stumper,
- stupendousness,
- success,
- superhumanity,
- supernaturalism,
- supernaturality,
- supernaturalness,
- supernature,
- supernormalness,
- superphysicalness,
- supersensibleness,
- supranaturalism,
- supranature,
- suspense drama,
- suspense story,
- symbolics,
- symbolism,
- tableau,
- tableau vivant,
- talk show,
- teleplay,
- television drama,
- television play,
- terra incognita,
- the incalculable,
- the occult,
- the strange,
- the supernatural,
- the supersensible,
- the unfamiliar,
- the unknowable,
- the unknown,
- theater of cruelty,
- thriller,
- total theater,
- tough proposition,
- trade,
- transcendentalism,
- unaccountableness,
- unassuredness,
- undefinability,
- unearthliness,
- unexplainableness,
- unexplored ground,
- unexplored territory,
- unknown quantity,
- unworldliness,
- upset,
- vagueness,
- variety show,
- vaudeville,
- vaudeville show,
- vehicle,
- vexed question,
- vocation,
- walk,
- walk of life,
- whodunit,
- why,
- witchery,
- wonderfulness,
- wondrousness,
- word-of-mouth success,
- work,
- work of fiction,
- x,
- yoga,
- yogeeism,
- yogism,
- z