Exact Match:
- nationality
- people having common origins or traditions and often comprising a nation; "immigrants of the same nationality often seek each other out"; "such images define their sense of nationality"
- the status of belonging to a particular nation by birth or naturalization
- Americanism,
- Anglicism,
- Briticism,
- Everyman,
- John Doe,
- Public,
- aboriginality,
- ally,
- archduchy,
- archdukedom,
- autochthonousness,
- bloodline,
- body politic,
- breed,
- buffer state,
- captive nation,
- chauvinism,
- chieftaincy,
- chieftainry,
- citizenry,
- citizenship,
- city-state,
- clan,
- colony,
- common man,
- commonweal,
- commonwealth,
- community,
- community at large,
- country,
- county,
- culture,
- domain,
- dominion,
- duchy,
- dukedom,
- earldom,
- empery,
- empire,
- estate,
- ethnic group,
- everybody,
- everyman,
- everyone,
- everywoman,
- extraction,
- flag waving,
- folk,
- folks,
- free city,
- general public,
- gentry,
- grand duchy,
- heritage,
- independence,
- indigenousness,
- internationalism,
- internationality,
- jingoism,
- kingdom,
- land,
- love of country,
- mandant,
- mandate,
- mandated territory,
- mandatee,
- mandatory,
- men,
- nation,
- nationalism,
- nationhood,
- native-bornness,
- nativeness,
- nativism,
- nativity,
- overpatriotism,
- patriotics,
- patriotism,
- pedigree,
- people,
- people in general,
- peoplehood,
- persons,
- polis,
- polity,
- populace,
- population,
- possession,
- power,
- principality,
- principate,
- protectorate,
- province,
- public,
- puppet government,
- puppet regime,
- race,
- realm,
- republic,
- roots,
- satellite,
- self-determination,
- self-government,
- seneschalty,
- settlement,
- society,
- sovereign nation,
- sovereign nationhood,
- sovereignty,
- speech community,
- state,
- statehood,
- stock,
- strain,
- sultanate,
- superpower,
- territory,
- toparchia,
- toparchy,
- tribe,
- ultranationalism,
- world,
- you and me