- North Pole,
- South Pole,
- always,
- antipodal points,
- antipodes,
- antipoints,
- antipoles,
- at all times,
- black and white,
- ceaselessly,
- consecutively,
- constantly,
- continually,
- continuously,
- contraposita,
- contrapositives,
- contraries,
- counterpoles,
- daily,
- daily and hourly,
- day after day,
- day and night,
- ever,
- ever and anon,
- every day,
- every hour,
- every moment,
- hand running,
- hour after hour,
- hourly,
- incessantly,
- month after month,
- on and on,
- opposite poles,
- opposites,
- perennially,
- perpetually,
- polar opposites,
- poles,
- rapidly,
- regularly,
- right along,
- running,
- steadily,
- successively,
- sustainedly,
- unceasingly,
- unintermittently,
- uninterruptedly,
- unvaryingly,
- without cease,
- without letup,
- without stopping,
- year after year