Exact Match:
- paean
- (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity)
- Agnus Dei,
- Benedicite,
- Gloria,
- Gloria Patri,
- Gloria in Excelsis,
- Introit,
- Magnificat,
- Miserere,
- Negro spiritual,
- Nunc Dimittis,
- Te Deum,
- Trisagion,
- Vedic hymn,
- accolade,
- acknowledgment,
- adulation,
- alleluia,
- answer,
- anthem,
- antiphon,
- antiphony,
- apotheosis,
- applause,
- benediction,
- bepraisement,
- cantata,
- canticle,
- chant,
- cheer,
- chorale,
- chorus of cheers,
- church music,
- cognizance,
- congratulation,
- credit,
- crediting,
- cry,
- deification,
- doxology,
- eloge,
- encomium,
- eulogium,
- eulogy,
- exaltation,
- excessive praise,
- flattery,
- glorification,
- glory,
- gospel,
- gospel music,
- grace,
- hallelujah,
- hero worship,
- homage,
- hommage,
- honor,
- hooray,
- hosanna,
- hurrah,
- hurray,
- huzzah,
- hymn,
- hymn of praise,
- hymn-tune,
- hymnody,
- hymnography,
- hymnology,
- idolatry,
- idolizing,
- introit,
- kudos,
- laud,
- laudation,
- lionizing,
- magnification,
- mantra,
- mass,
- meed of praise,
- motet,
- offertory,
- offertory sentence,
- oratorio,
- overpraise,
- panegyric,
- passion,
- praise,
- prayer of thanks,
- prosodion,
- psalm,
- psalmody,
- rah,
- recessional,
- recognition,
- report,
- requiem,
- requiem mass,
- response,
- responsory,
- sacred music,
- shout,
- spiritual,
- thank offering,
- thank-you,
- thanks,
- thanksgiving,
- tribute,
- versicle,
- white spiritual,
- yell,
- yippee