Exact Match:
- palindrome
- a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward
- abuse of terms,
- acrostic,
- amphibologism,
- amphiboly,
- anagram,
- anastrophe,
- calembour,
- chiasmus,
- corruption,
- equivocality,
- equivoque,
- hypallage,
- hyperbaton,
- hysteron proteron,
- jeu de mots,
- logogram,
- logogriph,
- malapropism,
- metagram,
- metastasis,
- metathesis,
- missaying,
- parenthesis,
- paronomasia,
- play on words,
- pun,
- punning,
- spoonerism,
- synchysis,
- tmesis,
- wordplay