Exact Match:
- perplexed
- full or difficulty or confusion or bewilderment; "perplexed language"; "perplexed state of the world"
- Byzantine,
- addled,
- at a loss,
- at a nonplus,
- at a stand,
- at a standstill,
- at an impasse,
- baffled,
- balled up,
- balled-up,
- bamboozled,
- beat,
- bewildered,
- beyond one,
- bothered,
- buffaloed,
- chaotic,
- complex,
- complicated,
- confounded,
- confused,
- convoluted,
- crabbed,
- cramp,
- daedal,
- dazed,
- devious,
- difficult,
- discomposed,
- disconcerted,
- disordered,
- disorganized,
- disturbed,
- elaborate,
- embarrassed,
- embrangled,
- entangled,
- floored,
- flustered,
- fluttered,
- fouled up,
- fuddled,
- fussed,
- garbled,
- hard,
- hard to understand,
- implicated,
- in a dilemma,
- in a jumble,
- in a pother,
- in a pucker,
- in a stew,
- in a sweat,
- in a swivet,
- in a tizzy,
- in suspense,
- intricate,
- involuted,
- involved,
- jumbled,
- knotted,
- knotty,
- labyrinthian,
- labyrinthine,
- licked,
- loused up,
- many-faceted,
- matted,
- mazy,
- meandering,
- messed up,
- mixed up,
- mixed-up,
- mucked up,
- muddled,
- multifarious,
- mystified,
- nonplussed,
- obfuscated,
- obscure,
- obscured,
- on tenterhooks,
- overtechnical,
- perturbed,
- put-out,
- puzzled,
- ramified,
- rattled,
- roundabout,
- ruffled,
- scrambled,
- screwed up,
- shaken,
- shook,
- shuffled,
- snarled,
- stuck,
- stumped,
- subtle,
- tangled,
- tangly,
- thrown,
- tough,
- twisted,
- unsettled,
- upset