Exact Match:
- phlegm
- expectorated matter; saliva mixed with discharges from the respiratory passages; in ancient and medieval physiology it was believed to cause sluggishness
- acedia,
- aloofness,
- apathy,
- ataraxia,
- ataraxy,
- benumbedness,
- blah,
- blahs,
- boredom,
- calmness,
- chyle,
- colostrum,
- comatoseness,
- composure,
- coolness,
- detachment,
- discharge,
- disinterest,
- dispassion,
- drowsiness,
- dullness,
- enervation,
- ennui,
- fatigue,
- gleet,
- heartlessness,
- heaviness,
- hebetude,
- hopelessness,
- humor,
- ichor,
- impassivity,
- imperturbability,
- inanimation,
- inappetence,
- indifference,
- insensibility,
- insouciance,
- jadedness,
- lachryma,
- lack of appetite,
- lackadaisicalness,
- lactation,
- languidness,
- languishment,
- languor,
- languorousness,
- lassitude,
- lenitude,
- lentor,
- lethargicalness,
- lethargy,
- leukorrhea,
- lifelessness,
- listlessness,
- lymph,
- matter,
- milk,
- mucor,
- mucus,
- nonchalance,
- numbness,
- oscitancy,
- passiveness,
- passivity,
- peccant humor,
- phlegmaticalness,
- phlegmaticness,
- plucklessness,
- purulence,
- pus,
- resignation,
- resignedness,
- rheum,
- saliva,
- sangfroid,
- sanies,
- satedness,
- self-possession,
- serous fluid,
- serum,
- sleepiness,
- sloth,
- slothfulness,
- slowness,
- sluggishness,
- snot,
- somnolence,
- sopor,
- soporifousness,
- spiritlessness,
- spunklessness,
- stoicism,
- stolidity,
- stupefaction,
- stupor,
- supineness,
- suppuration,
- sweat,
- tear,
- teardrop,
- the whites,
- torpidity,
- torpidness,
- torpitude,
- torpor,
- unconcern,
- unresponsiveness,
- urine,
- weariness,
- withdrawnness,
- world-weariness