Exact Match:
- poison
- anything that harms or destroys; "the poison of fascism"
- any substance that causes injury or illness or death of a living organism
- administer poison to; "She poisoned her husband but he did not die"
- add poison to; "Her husband poisoned her drink in order to kill her"
- kill with poison; "She poisoned her husband"
- kill by its poison; "This mushrooms can poison"
- spoil as if by poison; "poison someone's mind"; "poison the atmosphere in the office"
- Cain,
- DDD,
- DDT,
- Paris green,
- abomination,
- abuse,
- acaricide,
- activate,
- adulterate,
- adulteration,
- afflict,
- aggrieve,
- alloy,
- annihilate,
- anthelmintic,
- antibiotic,
- antimony,
- antiseptic,
- apache,
- arsenic,
- arsenic trioxide,
- assassin,
- assassinator,
- atrocity,
- bad,
- bane,
- befoul,
- befoulment,
- bereave of life,
- beryllium,
- bewitch,
- bichloride of mercury,
- blight,
- bloodletter,
- bloodshedder,
- bravo,
- bug bomb,
- burker,
- butcher,
- button man,
- cadmium,
- cancer,
- canker,
- cannibal,
- carbamate insecticide,
- carbolic acid,
- carbon monoxide,
- carbon tetrachloride,
- carry away,
- carry off,
- charge,
- cheapen,
- chemosterilant,
- chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide,
- chlorine,
- chloroform,
- coarsen,
- communicability,
- condemn,
- confound,
- contact poison,
- contagion,
- contagiousness,
- contaminate,
- contamination,
- corrupt,
- corruption,
- crucify,
- crying evil,
- curse,
- cut down,
- cut off,
- cutthroat,
- cyanide,
- damage,
- deadliness,
- debase,
- debauch,
- defile,
- defilement,
- deflower,
- defoliant,
- degenerate,
- degrade,
- demoralize,
- denature,
- deprave,
- deprive of life,
- desecrate,
- desperado,
- despoil,
- despoliation,
- destroy,
- destruction,
- destructiveness,
- detriment,
- devalue,
- disadvantage,
- disinfectant,
- dispatch,
- dispose of,
- disserve,
- distort,
- distress,
- do a mischief,
- do away with,
- do evil,
- do for,
- do ill,
- do to death,
- do wrong,
- do wrong by,
- doom,
- embalming fluid,
- empoison,
- end,
- envenom,
- eradicant,
- eradicator,
- evil,
- execute,
- executioner,
- exterminate,
- exterminator,
- finish,
- finish off,
- formaldehyde,
- fumigant,
- fungicide,
- garroter,
- germicide,
- get into trouble,
- gorilla,
- grievance,
- gun,
- gunman,
- gunsel,
- harass,
- harm,
- hatchet man,
- havoc,
- head-hunter,
- herbicide,
- hex,
- hit man,
- homicidal maniac,
- homicide,
- hurt,
- hydrocyanic acid,
- hyoscyamine,
- ill,
- immolate,
- impair,
- infect,
- infection,
- infectiousness,
- infectivity,
- injure,
- injury,
- insect powder,
- insecticide,
- irradiate,
- jinx,
- kill,
- killer,
- launch into eternity,
- lead,
- liquidate,
- lynch,
- make away with,
- malignancy,
- maltreat,
- man-eater,
- man-killer,
- manslayer,
- martyr,
- martyrize,
- massacrer,
- matador,
- menace,
- mephitic,
- mephitis,
- mercuric chloride,
- mercury,
- miasma,
- microbicide,
- mischief,
- mistreat,
- misuse,
- miticide,
- molest,
- murder,
- murderer,
- mustard gas,
- nicotine,
- noxiousness,
- organic chlorine,
- organic phosphate insecticide,
- outrage,
- panther piss,
- persecute,
- pervert,
- pesticide,
- pestilence,
- phenol,
- plague,
- play havoc with,
- play hob with,
- poison gas,
- poisoner,
- poisonousness,
- pollute,
- pollution,
- prejudice,
- prostitute,
- prussic acid,
- purge,
- put away,
- put down,
- put to death,
- put to sleep,
- radiumize,
- rat poison,
- ravage,
- ravish,
- remove from life,
- roach paste,
- roach powder,
- rodenticide,
- rotgut,
- sacrifice,
- savage,
- scathe,
- selenium,
- shellac,
- slaughterer,
- slay,
- slayer,
- sophistication,
- stain,
- starve,
- stomach poison,
- strangler,
- strychnine,
- subvert,
- systemic,
- systemic insecticide,
- taint,
- take life,
- take off,
- the worst,
- threaten,
- thug,
- torment,
- torpedo,
- torture,
- toxic,
- toxicant,
- toxicity,
- toxin,
- trigger man,
- twist,
- ulcerate,
- venin,
- venom,
- venomous,
- venomousness,
- vermicide,
- vexation,
- violate,
- virulence,
- virulency,
- virulent,
- virus,
- vitiate,
- vulgarize,
- warp,
- weed killer,
- woe,
- wound,
- wreak havoc on,
- wrong