Exact Match:
- policy
- a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group; "it was a policy of retribution"; "a politician keeps changing his policies"
- written contract or certificate of insurance; "you should have read the small print on your policy"
- a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government; "they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation"
- accident insurance,
- action,
- actuary,
- annuity,
- approach,
- arrangement,
- assurance,
- autarky,
- aviation insurance,
- bail bond,
- behavior,
- bimetallism,
- bingo,
- bond,
- business life insurance,
- card games,
- casualty insurance,
- certificate of insurance,
- chuck and toss,
- chuck farthing,
- chuck-a-luck,
- circumspection,
- circumspectness,
- conduct,
- consideration,
- contract by deed,
- contract of record,
- contract quasi,
- cool judgment,
- course,
- court bond,
- covenant of indemnity,
- crack-loo,
- crap game,
- crap shooting,
- craps,
- credit insurance,
- credit life insurance,
- creed,
- custom,
- debenture,
- debenture bond,
- deductible,
- deed,
- deed of trust,
- deed poll,
- design,
- discreetness,
- discretion,
- discrimination,
- economic self-sufficiency,
- endowment insurance,
- family maintenance policy,
- fan-tan,
- fidelity bond,
- fidelity insurance,
- flood insurance,
- formal contract,
- fraternal insurance,
- free enterprise,
- free trade,
- game plan,
- good judgment,
- government insurance,
- governmentalism,
- group policy,
- guiding principles,
- hazard,
- health insurance,
- horse racing,
- implied contract,
- indent,
- indenture,
- industrial life insurance,
- insurance,
- insurance agent,
- insurance broker,
- insurance company,
- insurance man,
- insurance policy,
- interinsurance,
- judgment,
- judiciousness,
- keno,
- laissez-faire,
- laissez-faireism,
- liability insurance,
- license bond,
- limited payment insurance,
- line,
- localism,
- lotto,
- major medical insurance,
- malpractice insurance,
- managed currency,
- management,
- marine insurance,
- method,
- mortgage deed,
- mutual company,
- noninterference,
- nonintervention,
- nullification,
- ocean marine insurance,
- parol contract,
- party line,
- party principle,
- permit bond,
- pinball,
- pitch and toss,
- plan of action,
- planned economy,
- platform,
- polity,
- position,
- position paper,
- practice,
- price supports,
- principles,
- procedure,
- program,
- promissory note,
- protection,
- protectionism,
- protocol,
- providence,
- prudence,
- prudentialism,
- public policy,
- pump-priming,
- recognizance,
- reflection,
- reflectiveness,
- regulation,
- robbery insurance,
- rouge et noir,
- roulette,
- rule,
- scheme,
- sectionalism,
- shell game,
- social security,
- sound judgment,
- soundness of judgment,
- special contract,
- specialty,
- specialty contract,
- stock company,
- strategy,
- sweepstake,
- sweepstakes,
- system,
- tactics,
- term insurance,
- the numbers,
- the numbers game,
- theft insurance,
- thoughtfulness,
- title deed,
- trente-et-quarante,
- underwriter,
- way,
- ways and means,
- weighing