Exact Match:
- pony
- a range horse of the western United States
- any of various breeds of small gentle horses usually less than five feet high at the shoulder
- an informal term for a racehorse; "he liked to bet on the ponies"
- a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)
- Galloway,
- Iceland pony,
- Shetland,
- Shetland pony,
- amplification,
- bantam,
- banty,
- bawbee,
- bilingual text,
- button,
- chit,
- clavis,
- crib,
- crown,
- decipherment,
- decoding,
- diminutive,
- dollar,
- entry,
- faithful translation,
- farthing,
- favorite,
- featherweight,
- fingerling,
- fiver,
- florin,
- fourpence,
- fourpenny,
- free translation,
- gloss,
- glossary,
- groat,
- guinea,
- half crown,
- half dollar,
- halfpenny,
- interlinear,
- interlinear translation,
- key,
- lightweight,
- loose translation,
- mag,
- meg,
- metaphrase,
- mini,
- minikin,
- minnow,
- minny,
- mite,
- monkey,
- mouse,
- mudder,
- new pence,
- np,
- nubbin,
- p,
- paraphrase,
- peewee,
- pence,
- penny,
- plate horse,
- plater,
- pole horse,
- pound,
- quid,
- race horse,
- racer,
- restatement,
- rewording,
- runt,
- shelty,
- shilling,
- shrimp,
- sixpence,
- slip,
- small fry,
- snip,
- snippet,
- stable,
- stake horse,
- staker,
- starter,
- steeplechaser,
- string,
- tenner,
- threepence,
- threepenny bit,
- thrippence,
- tit,
- transcription,
- translation,
- transliteration,
- trot,
- tuppence,
- twopence,
- wart,
- wisp