Exact Match:
- poor
- unsatisfactory; "a poor light for reading"; "poor morale"; "expectations were poor"
- having little money or few possessions; "deplored the gap between rich and poor countries"; "the proverbial poor artist living in a garret"
- lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances; "a poor land"; "the area was poor in timber and coal"; "food poor in nutritive value"
- characterized by or indicating poverty; "the country had a poor economy"; "they lived in the poor section of town"
- DP,
- Lenten,
- Mickey Mouse,
- Spartan,
- abject,
- abominable,
- abstemious,
- against,
- amateurish,
- arrant,
- artless,
- ascetic,
- atrocious,
- attenuated,
- austere,
- awful,
- bad,
- badly off,
- bankrupt,
- bare-handed,
- barren,
- base,
- beggared,
- beggarly,
- below par,
- beneath contempt,
- broke,
- bumbling,
- cadaverous,
- cheap,
- cheeseparing,
- cheesy,
- chinchy,
- chintzy,
- chronic poor,
- chronic poverty area,
- coarse,
- common,
- con,
- contemptible,
- corpselike,
- crumbling,
- crummy,
- debased,
- decrepit,
- defective,
- deficient,
- degraded,
- depleted,
- depraved,
- depressed class,
- depressed population,
- despicable,
- destitute,
- destitution,
- dirty,
- disappointed,
- disapprobatory,
- disapproving,
- discontented,
- disenchanted,
- disgruntled,
- disgusting,
- disillusioned,
- disintegrating,
- displeased,
- dissatisfied,
- dissenting,
- distressed,
- down to bedrock,
- down-and-out,
- dwarfed,
- dwarfish,
- emacerated,
- emaciate,
- emaciated,
- embarrassed,
- empty-handed,
- execrable,
- exhausted,
- exiguous,
- famished,
- faulty,
- feeble,
- feeling the pinch,
- flagrant,
- flat,
- flat broke,
- flawed,
- flimsy,
- fortuneless,
- foul,
- fourth-class,
- frugal,
- fruitless,
- fulsome,
- gaudy,
- ghetto-dwellers,
- gimcracky,
- grave,
- gross,
- haggard,
- half-assed,
- half-starved,
- hapless,
- hard up,
- heinous,
- hollow-eyed,
- homely,
- humble,
- humble-looking,
- humble-visaged,
- humblest,
- ill,
- ill off,
- ill-equipped,
- ill-fated,
- ill-furnished,
- ill-provided,
- ill-starred,
- impecunious,
- impecuniousness,
- impoverished,
- impoverishment,
- in Queer Street,
- in narrow circumstances,
- in need,
- in rags,
- in reduced circumstances,
- in straitened circumstances,
- in want,
- inadept,
- inadequate,
- inapt,
- inattentive,
- inconclusive,
- inconsequential,
- indigence,
- indigent,
- indignant,
- inefficient,
- inept,
- inexpert,
- inferior,
- infertile,
- infirm,
- infrequent,
- inglorious,
- innocuous,
- insignificant,
- insolvent,
- insubstantial,
- insufficient,
- irregular,
- jejune,
- land-poor,
- lean,
- least,
- limited,
- little,
- lousy,
- low,
- low-class,
- low-down,
- low-grade,
- low-quality,
- low-test,
- lowest,
- lowliest,
- lowly,
- luckless,
- lumpen,
- mangy,
- marantic,
- marasmic,
- meager,
- mean,
- measly,
- mediocre,
- meretricious,
- miserable,
- miserly,
- modest,
- moneyless,
- monstrous,
- narrow,
- necessitous,
- neediness,
- needy,
- nefarious,
- niggardly,
- obnoxious,
- odious,
- on short commons,
- on the edge,
- opposed,
- opposing,
- out of pocket,
- outcasts,
- paltry,
- parsimonious,
- pathetic,
- pauperism,
- pauperized,
- peaked,
- peaky,
- pedestrian,
- penniless,
- penurious,
- penury,
- petty,
- piddling,
- pinched,
- pitiable,
- pitiful,
- plain,
- poky,
- poorish,
- poorly off,
- poorness,
- poverty subculture,
- poverty-stricken,
- privation,
- punk,
- puny,
- rank,
- rare,
- reduced,
- reptilian,
- rotten,
- rotten at,
- rubbishy,
- ruined,
- sad,
- scabby,
- scant,
- scanty,
- scarce,
- scattered,
- scrawny,
- scrimp,
- scrimping,
- scrimpy,
- scrubby,
- scruffy,
- scummy,
- scurvy,
- scuzzy,
- second-best,
- second-class,
- second-rate,
- seedy,
- seldom met with,
- seldom seen,
- shabby,
- shoddy,
- short,
- short of cash,
- short of funds,
- short of money,
- shorthanded,
- shriveled,
- simple,
- skeletal,
- skill-less,
- skimp,
- skimping,
- skimpy,
- slender,
- slight,
- slim,
- slipshod,
- slum-dwellers,
- small,
- sorry,
- spare,
- sparing,
- sparse,
- spotty,
- sprinkled,
- squalid,
- squeezed,
- star-crossed,
- starvation,
- starved,
- starveling,
- starving,
- sterile,
- stingy,
- stinted,
- stone-broke,
- stony,
- straitened,
- strapped,
- stunted,
- subsistence,
- substandard,
- tabetic,
- tabid,
- tacky,
- teachable,
- the disadvantaged,
- the dispossessed,
- the distressed,
- the down-and-out,
- the forgotten man,
- the have-nots,
- the needy,
- the other America,
- the poor,
- the powerless,
- the underprivileged,
- the urban poor,
- thin,
- third-class,
- third-rate,
- thoughtless,
- tight,
- tinny,
- trashy,
- trifling,
- trivial,
- trumpery,
- turned-off,
- two-for-a-cent,
- two-for-a-penny,
- twopenny,
- twopenny-halfpenny,
- unacceptable,
- unappreciative,
- unapproving,
- unapt,
- uncomplimentary,
- undeft,
- under par,
- underdeveloped nation,
- underfed,
- undermanned,
- undernourished,
- underprivileged,
- undexterous,
- undextrous,
- undistinguished,
- unfacile,
- unfavorable,
- unfed,
- unfirm,
- unfortunate,
- unfruitful,
- unhappy,
- unimportant,
- unintelligent,
- unlucky,
- unmentionable,
- unmoneyed,
- unnourishing,
- unnutritious,
- unpretentious,
- unproductive,
- unprofessional,
- unproficient,
- unprosperous,
- unproved,
- unprovided,
- unreplenished,
- unrigorous,
- unsatisfactory,
- unskillful,
- unsolid,
- unsound,
- unstable,
- unsturdy,
- unsubstantial,
- unsupplied,
- unsustained,
- valueless,
- vile,
- want,
- wasted,
- watered,
- watery,
- weak,
- weazeny,
- welfare rolls,
- wiped out,
- withered,
- wizened,
- worthless,
- wraithlike,
- wretched