Exact Match:
- prejudicial
- tending to favor preconceived ideas; "the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population"
- bad,
- baleful,
- baneful,
- corroding,
- corrosive,
- corrupting,
- corruptive,
- counterproductive,
- damaging,
- deadly,
- deleterious,
- detrimental,
- differential,
- disadvantageous,
- discriminative,
- disserviceable,
- distressing,
- evil,
- forejudged,
- harmful,
- hurtful,
- inimical,
- injurious,
- judged beforehand,
- lethal,
- malefic,
- malevolent,
- malign,
- malignant,
- mischievous,
- noisome,
- noxious,
- ominous,
- pernicious,
- poisonous,
- preconceived,
- preconceptual,
- preconcluded,
- predecided,
- predetermined,
- predisposed,
- predispositional,
- prejudged,
- prejudging,
- presumed,
- presupposed,
- presurmised,
- scatheful,
- toxic,
- unadvantageous,
- unfavorable,
- unprofitable,
- unrewarding,
- useless,
- venenate,
- veneniferous,
- venenous,
- venomous,
- vicious,
- virulent,
- worthless