Exact Match:
- prosody
- the study of poetic meter and the art of versification
- the patterns of stress and intonation in a language
- Stabreim,
- accent,
- accentuation,
- alliterative meter,
- beat,
- cadence,
- emphasis,
- ictus,
- level of stress,
- lilt,
- measure,
- meter,
- metrical pattern,
- metrics,
- movement,
- number,
- numbers,
- primary stress,
- prosodic pattern,
- prosodics,
- quantitative meter,
- rhythm,
- rhythmic pattern,
- rhythmical stress,
- scanning,
- scansion,
- secondary stress,
- stress,
- stress accent,
- stress pattern,
- swing,
- syllabic meter,
- tertiary stress,
- vers libre,
- versification,
- weak stress