Exact Match:
- provident
- providing carefully for the future; "wild squirrels are provident"; "a provident father plans for his children's education"
- careful in regard to your own interests; "the prudent use and development of resources"; "wild squirrels are provident"
- Scotch,
- acute,
- anticipant,
- anticipatory,
- apperceptive,
- appercipient,
- argute,
- astute,
- canny,
- careful,
- cautious,
- chary,
- cheeseparing,
- circumspect,
- clairvoyant,
- cogent,
- conserving,
- considerate,
- discerning,
- discreet,
- discriminating,
- discriminative,
- divinatory,
- economic,
- economical,
- economizing,
- enlightened,
- farseeing,
- farsighted,
- forehanded,
- foreknowing,
- foreseeing,
- foresighted,
- forethoughted,
- forethoughtful,
- frugal,
- incisive,
- intuitive,
- judgmatic,
- judicial,
- judicious,
- labor-saving,
- longheaded,
- longsighted,
- money-saving,
- parsimonious,
- penetrating,
- penny-wise,
- perceptive,
- percipient,
- perspicacious,
- perspicuous,
- piercing,
- politic,
- precautional,
- precautionary,
- precautious,
- precognitive,
- precognizant,
- preparative,
- preparatory,
- prepared,
- prerequisite,
- prescient,
- propaedeutic,
- providential,
- provisional,
- prudent,
- prudential,
- ready,
- reflecting,
- reflective,
- sagacious,
- sage,
- saving,
- scrimping,
- shrewd,
- skimping,
- spare,
- sparing,
- thoughtful,
- thrifty,
- time-saving,
- trenchant,
- understanding,
- unwasteful,
- vigilant,
- wary,
- well-advised,
- well-judged,
- wise