Exact Match:
- pungency
- a strong odor or taste property; "the pungency of mustard"; "the sulfurous bite of garlic"; "the sharpness of strange spices"; "the raciness of the wine"
- wit having a sharp and caustic quality; "he commented with typical pungency"; "the bite of satire"
- acerbity,
- acescency,
- acidity,
- acidulousness,
- acridity,
- acridness,
- astringence,
- astringency,
- bitter pill,
- bitterness,
- brilliance,
- causticity,
- cleverness,
- dash,
- dryness,
- facetiousness,
- funniness,
- gall,
- gall and wormwood,
- greenness,
- headiness,
- humorousness,
- hyperacidity,
- jocoseness,
- jocularity,
- joking,
- joshing,
- keen-wittedness,
- keenness,
- liveliness,
- nimble-wittedness,
- odorousness,
- pep,
- piquancy,
- pleasantry,
- poignancy,
- quick-wittedness,
- raciness,
- saltiness,
- sharpness,
- smartness,
- smelliness,
- sour,
- sourishness,
- sourness,
- sparkle,
- spirit,
- subacidity,
- tartishness,
- tartness,
- unripeness,
- unsweetness,
- verjuice,
- verve,
- vinegariness,
- vinegarishness,
- vivacity,
- vividness,
- wittiness