Exact Match:
- question
- the subject matter at issue; "the question of disease merits serious discussion"; "under the head of minor Roman poets"
- an informal reference to a marriage proposal; "he was ready to pop the question"
- an instance of questioning; "there was a question about my training"; "we made inquiries of all those who were present"
- a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"
- pose a question
- challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of; "We must question your judgment in this matter"
- Chinese puzzle,
- Parthian shot,
- Pyrrhonism,
- absurd,
- address,
- affirmation,
- agonize over,
- allegation,
- answer,
- apostrophe,
- apprehension,
- approach,
- ask,
- ask a question,
- ask about,
- ask questions,
- assertion,
- assuredly,
- at issue,
- averment,
- awake a doubt,
- baffling problem,
- basis,
- be at sea,
- be curious,
- be diffident,
- be doubtful,
- be dubious,
- be skeptical,
- be uncertain,
- beat about,
- bill,
- blind bargain,
- bone of contention,
- borderline case,
- brain twister,
- bring into question,
- burden,
- burn with curiosity,
- calendar,
- call in question,
- case,
- catechism,
- catechize,
- certainly,
- challenge,
- chance,
- chapter,
- clause,
- comment,
- communicate with,
- companion bills amendment,
- concern,
- confusion,
- contact,
- contest,
- contingency,
- correspond,
- crack,
- cross-interrogatory,
- cross-question,
- crossword puzzle,
- crux,
- debatable,
- debating point,
- declaration,
- definitely,
- demand,
- demurral,
- demurrer,
- dictum,
- difficulty,
- diffidence,
- dig around for,
- dig up,
- dispute,
- distrust,
- distrustfulness,
- double contingency,
- doubt,
- doubtful,
- doubtfulness,
- doubtlessly,
- dragnet clause,
- dubiety,
- dubiousness,
- enacting clause,
- enigma,
- enigmatic question,
- enquiry,
- escalator clause,
- essence,
- establish connection,
- examine,
- exclamation,
- expression,
- feel unsure,
- feeler,
- focus of attention,
- focus of interest,
- gamble,
- gape,
- gawk,
- get to,
- gist,
- greet with skepticism,
- greeting,
- grill,
- grope,
- guess,
- half believe,
- half-belief,
- harbor suspicions,
- have reservations,
- head,
- heading,
- hold-up bill,
- impossible,
- in doubt,
- in question,
- inconceivable,
- indubitably,
- inquire,
- inquire of,
- inquiry,
- insupportable,
- interjection,
- interpellate,
- interrogate,
- interrogation,
- interrogative,
- interrogatory,
- interview,
- issue,
- jigsaw puzzle,
- joker,
- knot,
- knotty point,
- leader,
- leading question,
- leeriness,
- living issue,
- main point,
- maintain connection,
- make advances,
- make contact with,
- make inquiry,
- make overtures,
- make up to,
- matter,
- matter in hand,
- meat,
- mention,
- mind-boggler,
- misdoubt,
- misgive,
- misgiving,
- mistrust,
- mistrustfulness,
- moot point,
- motif,
- motion,
- motive,
- mystery,
- nose around for,
- nose out,
- note,
- nut,
- nut to crack,
- objection,
- observation,
- omnibus bill,
- open question,
- peer,
- perplexed question,
- perplexity,
- phrase,
- piece of guesswork,
- point,
- point at issue,
- point in question,
- poser,
- position,
- preposterous,
- privileged question,
- problem,
- pronouncement,
- propose a question,
- proposition,
- propound a question,
- protest,
- proviso,
- pump,
- put queries,
- puzzle,
- puzzle over,
- puzzlement,
- puzzler,
- query,
- question,
- question at issue,
- question mark,
- questionable,
- questioning,
- quiz,
- quodlibet,
- raise,
- raise a question,
- reach,
- reflection,
- relate to,
- remark,
- remonstrance,
- remonstration,
- reply to,
- require an answer,
- respond to,
- rider,
- ridiculous,
- rubber,
- rubberneck,
- rubric,
- saving clause,
- say,
- saying,
- scruple,
- scrupulousness,
- seek,
- self-doubt,
- sentence,
- shadow of doubt,
- sight-unseen transaction,
- sixty-four dollar question,
- skepticalness,
- skepticism,
- smell a rat,
- sound out,
- stare,
- statement,
- sticker,
- stumper,
- subject,
- subject matter,
- subject of thought,
- subjoinder,
- substance,
- suspect,
- suspicion,
- suspiciousness,
- test,
- text,
- theme,
- thought,
- thrash about,
- throw doubt upon,
- topic,
- toss-up,
- total skepticism,
- touch and go,
- tough proposition,
- treat with reserve,
- trial balloon,
- uncertainty,
- undecided issue,
- under consideration,
- undoubtedly,
- unthinkable,
- utterance,
- vexed question,
- wager,
- want to know,
- wariness,
- why,
- wonder,
- wonder about,
- wonder whether,
- word,
- worm out of