Exact Match:
- raw
- informal terms for nakedness; "in the raw"; "in the altogether"; "in his birthday suit"
- not treated with heat to prepare it for eating
- lacking training or experience; "the new men were eager to fight"; "raw recruits"
- brutally unfair or harsh; "received raw treatment from his friends"; "a raw deal"
- having the surface exposed and painful; "a raw wound"
- untempered and unrefined; "raw talent"; "raw beauty"
- not processed or refined; "raw sewage"
- Rabelaisian,
- Siberian,
- a novice at,
- a stranger to,
- abusive,
- adolescent,
- algetic,
- algid,
- angry,
- arctic,
- at half cock,
- awkward,
- bald,
- bare,
- bare-ass,
- bareness,
- below zero,
- birthday suit,
- biting,
- bitter,
- bitterly cold,
- blankminded,
- blasphemous,
- bleak,
- blinding,
- blown,
- boreal,
- brisk,
- broad,
- brumal,
- budding,
- burning,
- callow,
- calumniatory,
- calumnious,
- chafed,
- coarse,
- cold,
- cold as charity,
- cold as death,
- cold as ice,
- cold as marble,
- comminatory,
- contumelious,
- crass,
- crisp,
- crude,
- cursing,
- cutting,
- damnatory,
- decollete,
- denunciatory,
- dewy,
- dirty,
- dumb,
- dysphemistic,
- earthy,
- ecdysiast,
- empty,
- empty-headed,
- epithetic,
- ever-new,
- evergreen,
- excommunicative,
- excommunicatory,
- execratory,
- exposed,
- exposed nerve,
- festering,
- fiery,
- firsthand,
- flaring,
- flashy,
- flaunting,
- fledgling,
- foul,
- frank,
- freezing,
- freezing cold,
- fresh,
- frigid,
- fulminatory,
- galled,
- garish,
- gauche,
- gaudy,
- gelid,
- glacial,
- glaring,
- green,
- green as grass,
- groping,
- gross,
- growing,
- gutter,
- gymnosophical,
- gymnosophist,
- gymnosophy,
- half-baked,
- half-cocked,
- half-grown,
- hibernal,
- hiemal,
- hyperborean,
- ice-cold,
- ice-encrusted,
- icelike,
- icy,
- ignorant,
- ill-digested,
- immature,
- imprecatory,
- impubic,
- impure,
- in native buff,
- in puris naturalibus,
- in the altogether,
- in the buff,
- in the raw,
- inane,
- inclement,
- inexperienced,
- inflamed,
- ingenuous,
- innocent,
- intact,
- irritated,
- juicy,
- juvenile,
- keen,
- know-nothing,
- loud,
- low,
- lurid,
- maiden,
- maidenly,
- maledictory,
- meretricious,
- minor,
- naive,
- naked,
- nakedness,
- native,
- naturism,
- naturist,
- naturistic,
- neoteric,
- nerve ending,
- nescient,
- nestling,
- new,
- new to,
- new-fledged,
- nipping,
- nippy,
- not a stitch,
- nude,
- nudism,
- nudist,
- nudity,
- numbing,
- obscene,
- original,
- overbright,
- peeled,
- penetrating,
- piercing,
- pinching,
- pristine,
- profane,
- rank,
- rankling,
- rare,
- raw nerve,
- red,
- ribald,
- rigorous,
- ripening,
- risque,
- rough,
- rude,
- sappy,
- scatologic,
- screaming,
- scurrile,
- scurrilous,
- sempervirent,
- sensitive,
- severe,
- sharp,
- shrieking,
- simple,
- sleety,
- slushy,
- smarting,
- snappy,
- soft spot,
- sore,
- sore point,
- sore spot,
- stark-naked,
- state of nature,
- stone-cold,
- strange to,
- stripper,
- stripteaser,
- subzero,
- supercooled,
- tender,
- tender spot,
- tentative,
- the altogether,
- the nude,
- the quick,
- the raw,
- tingling,
- toplessness,
- unaccustomed to,
- unacquainted,
- unacquainted with,
- unadult,
- unapprized,
- unbaked,
- unbeaten,
- unboiled,
- uncomprehending,
- unconversant,
- unconversant with,
- uncooked,
- uncouth,
- underage,
- undercooked,
- underdone,
- underripe,
- undeveloped,
- unenlightened,
- unexperienced,
- unfamiliar,
- unfamiliar with,
- unfledged,
- unformed,
- ungrown,
- unhandled,
- unilluminated,
- uninformed,
- uninitiated,
- uninitiated in,
- unintelligent,
- unknowing,
- unlicked,
- unmatured,
- unmellowed,
- unposted,
- unpracticed,
- unpracticed in,
- unripe,
- unseasoned,
- unskilled in,
- unsure,
- untouched,
- untried,
- untrodden,
- unused,
- unused to,
- unversed,
- unversed in,
- vacuous,
- vernal,
- vile,
- virgin,
- virginal,
- vituperative,
- vulgar,
- windblown,
- windswept,
- winterbound,
- winterlike,
- wintery,
- wintry,
- with nothing on,
- without a stitch,
- young