Exact Match:
- reduce
- take off weight
- narrow or limit; "reduce the influx of foreigners"
- cook until very little liquid is left; "The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time"
- be the essential element; "The proposal boils down to a compromise"
- make smaller; "reduce an image"
- make less complex; "reduce a problem to a single question"
- cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"
- reposition (a broken bone after surgery) back to its normal site
- undergo meiosis; "The cells reduce"
- lower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation; "She reduced her niece to a servant"
- simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another
- lessen and make more modest; "reduce one's standard of living"
- bring to humbler or weaker state or condition; "He reduced the population to slavery"
- abase,
- abash,
- abate,
- abbreviate,
- abrade,
- abridge,
- abstract,
- acetify,
- acidify,
- acidulate,
- adjust,
- adjust to,
- adulterate,
- afflict,
- alkalify,
- alkalize,
- allay,
- alleviate,
- allow,
- alter,
- analyze,
- anatomize,
- anesthetize,
- appease,
- apportion,
- assay,
- assimilate to,
- assuage,
- attemper,
- attenuate,
- bank the fire,
- bankrupt,
- baptize,
- bate,
- bear down,
- beat down,
- become,
- beggar,
- belittle,
- bend,
- benumb,
- blunt,
- bob,
- boil down,
- borate,
- box in,
- break,
- break down,
- break up,
- bring down,
- bring low,
- bring to,
- bring to terms,
- bump,
- bust,
- capsulize,
- carbonate,
- catalyze,
- change,
- change into,
- change over,
- charge off,
- chasten,
- cheapen,
- chemical,
- chlorinate,
- circumscribe,
- clip,
- coarct,
- compact,
- compress,
- concentrate,
- condense,
- condition,
- conquer,
- consolidate,
- constrain,
- constrict,
- constringe,
- contract,
- control,
- convert,
- couch,
- count,
- count calories,
- cramp,
- cripple,
- crop,
- crush,
- curtail,
- cushion,
- cut,
- cut back,
- cut down,
- cut off short,
- cut prices,
- cut short,
- damp,
- dampen,
- de-emphasize,
- deaden,
- deaden the pain,
- debase,
- debilitate,
- decline,
- decrease,
- deduct,
- deflate,
- degrade,
- demean,
- demote,
- deplume,
- depreciate,
- depress,
- derange,
- derogate,
- detract,
- detrude,
- devaluate,
- devitalize,
- diet,
- dilute,
- diminish,
- disable,
- discount,
- disgrade,
- disorder,
- disparage,
- displume,
- dissect,
- distill,
- dive,
- divide,
- do over,
- dock,
- downbear,
- downgrade,
- downplay,
- drain,
- draw,
- draw in,
- draw together,
- drop,
- dull,
- dump,
- dump on,
- ease,
- ease matters,
- eat away,
- electrolyze,
- elide,
- enervate,
- enfeeble,
- epitomize,
- erode,
- eviscerate,
- exhaust,
- extenuate,
- extract,
- fall,
- fall in price,
- fell,
- ferment,
- file away,
- fix,
- flatten,
- foment,
- foreshorten,
- give relief,
- give way,
- grind,
- gruel,
- haul down,
- hedge,
- hedge about,
- homopolymerize,
- hospitalize,
- humble,
- humiliate,
- hydrate,
- hydrogenate,
- hydroxylate,
- impair,
- impoverish,
- increase,
- indent,
- indispose,
- invalid,
- irrigate,
- isomerize,
- jew down,
- keep within bounds,
- kick back,
- knit,
- knock down,
- lay,
- lay low,
- lay up,
- leach,
- leaven,
- lenify,
- lessen,
- let down,
- let up on,
- lighten,
- limit,
- lose flesh,
- lose weight,
- lower,
- lull,
- make,
- make allowance,
- make over,
- mark down,
- master,
- measure,
- minimize,
- mitigate,
- moderate,
- modify,
- modulate,
- mollify,
- mow,
- narrow,
- naturalize,
- nip,
- nitrate,
- nose-dive,
- numb,
- number,
- obtund,
- overmaster,
- override,
- oversimplify,
- overwhelm,
- oxidize,
- pad,
- palliate,
- parcel,
- pare,
- pauperize,
- pepsinate,
- peroxidize,
- phosphatize,
- play down,
- plummet,
- plunge,
- poll,
- pollard,
- polymerize,
- poultice,
- pour balm into,
- pour oil on,
- powder,
- press down,
- prostrate,
- prune,
- pucker,
- pucker up,
- pull down,
- pulp,
- purify,
- purse,
- push down,
- put down,
- qualify,
- quantify,
- quantize,
- quell,
- rarefy,
- rate,
- rattle,
- reap,
- rebate,
- recap,
- recapitulate,
- reconvert,
- reduce the temperature,
- reduce to,
- reduce to elements,
- reduce weight,
- refine,
- refund,
- regulate by,
- relieve,
- remove,
- render,
- reset,
- resolve,
- resolve into,
- restrain,
- restrict,
- retrench,
- reverse,
- ride down,
- roll back,
- rub,
- rub away,
- sag,
- salve,
- sap,
- scale down,
- season,
- segment,
- separate,
- set,
- set conditions,
- set down,
- set limits,
- shake,
- shake up,
- shave,
- shear,
- shift,
- shorten,
- sicken,
- simplify,
- sink,
- slacken,
- slake,
- slash,
- slenderize,
- slim,
- slim down,
- slow down,
- slump,
- smash,
- smother,
- snub,
- sober,
- sober down,
- soften,
- soften up,
- solidify,
- soothe,
- step down,
- stifle,
- strangle,
- strangulate,
- streamline,
- strip down,
- strip of rank,
- stunt,
- stupe,
- subdivide,
- subduct,
- subdue,
- subjugate,
- subtract,
- sulfate,
- sulfatize,
- sulfonate,
- sum up,
- summarize,
- suppress,
- switch,
- switch over,
- synopsize,
- take a premium,
- take away,
- take down,
- take from,
- take in,
- take off,
- take off weight,
- tame,
- telescope,
- temper,
- thin,
- thin down,
- thin out,
- thrust down,
- tone down,
- trample down,
- trample underfoot,
- transform,
- tread underfoot,
- trim,
- trip up,
- triturate,
- truncate,
- tune down,
- turn,
- turn back,
- turn into,
- tyrannize,
- unbrace,
- undermine,
- underplay,
- unman,
- unnerve,
- unstrengthen,
- unstring,
- vanquish,
- water,
- water down,
- weaken,
- wear away,
- weed,
- weight-watch,
- withdraw,
- work,
- wrinkle,
- write off