Exact Match:
- refund
- the act of returning money received previously
- money returned to a payer
- pay back; "Please refund me my money"
- abate,
- abatement,
- agio,
- allow,
- allowance,
- amends,
- atone,
- atonement,
- bank discount,
- bate,
- breakage,
- cash discount,
- chain discount,
- charge off,
- charge-off,
- compensate,
- compensation,
- concession,
- cut,
- deduct,
- deduction,
- depreciate,
- depreciation,
- discount,
- drawback,
- give satisfaction,
- indemnification,
- indemnify,
- kick back,
- kickback,
- make allowance,
- make amends,
- make good,
- make reparation,
- make restitution,
- make up for,
- make up to,
- making good,
- pay back,
- pay damages,
- pay in kind,
- paying back,
- penalty,
- penalty clause,
- percentage,
- premium,
- price reduction,
- price-cut,
- quit,
- rebate,
- rebatement,
- recompense,
- recoup,
- recoupment,
- redress,
- reduce,
- reduction,
- refundment,
- reimburse,
- reimbursement,
- reparation,
- repay,
- repayment,
- requital,
- requite,
- restitution,
- retribution,
- return,
- rollback,
- salvage,
- satisfaction,
- setoff,
- square,
- squaring,
- take a premium,
- take off,
- tare,
- time discount,
- trade discount,
- tret,
- underselling,
- write off,
- write-off