Exact Match:
- reprobate
- a person without moral scruples
- reject (documents) as invalid
- abandon to eternal damnation; "God reprobated the unrepenting sinner"
- abandoned,
- abominable,
- accursed,
- accuse,
- amoral,
- anathematize,
- anathemize,
- animadvert on,
- arraign,
- arrant,
- atrocious,
- backslider,
- bad,
- bad egg,
- bad lot,
- base,
- bastard,
- black,
- black sheep,
- blackguard,
- blackguardly,
- blamable,
- blame,
- blameworthy,
- call to account,
- cast blame upon,
- cast reflection upon,
- censure,
- complain against,
- condemn,
- contaminated,
- corrupt,
- corrupted,
- criminal,
- cry down,
- cry out against,
- cry out on,
- cry shame upon,
- cur,
- cursed,
- damn,
- damnable,
- damned,
- dark,
- debased,
- debauched,
- debauchee,
- decadent,
- decry,
- degenerate,
- degraded,
- denounce,
- denunciate,
- depraved,
- despicable,
- disapprove,
- disgraceful,
- dismiss,
- dissolute,
- evil,
- execrable,
- fallen angel,
- flagitious,
- flagrant,
- fleshly,
- foul,
- fulminate against,
- godless,
- good-for-nothing,
- graceless,
- heel,
- heinous,
- immoral,
- impeach,
- improper,
- impugn,
- indict,
- infamous,
- iniquitous,
- inveigh against,
- irredeemable,
- knave,
- knavish,
- knock,
- lecher,
- libertine,
- licentious,
- lost,
- lost sheep,
- lost soul,
- low,
- lowlife,
- mean,
- miscreant,
- monstrous,
- morally polluted,
- mundane,
- naughty,
- nefarious,
- nonsacred,
- notorious,
- peccant,
- pervert,
- perverted,
- pimp,
- polluted,
- profane,
- profligate,
- rake,
- rank,
- rap,
- rapscallion,
- rascal,
- rascally,
- recidivist,
- recreant,
- reflect upon,
- refuse,
- reject,
- reprehend,
- reprehensible,
- reproach,
- repudiate,
- roguish,
- rotten,
- roue,
- scalawag,
- scamp,
- scampish,
- scandalous,
- scapegrace,
- scoundrel,
- scoundrelly,
- secular,
- shake up,
- shameful,
- shameless,
- shriftless,
- sinful,
- skin,
- sorry lot,
- spurn,
- steeped in iniquity,
- tainted,
- temporal,
- trollop,
- turn down,
- unblessed,
- unconverted,
- unforgivable,
- unhallowed,
- unholy,
- unpardonable,
- unprincipled,
- unredeemed,
- unregenerate,
- unsacred,
- unsanctified,
- unspeakable,
- unworthy,
- vice-corrupted,
- vicious,
- vile,
- villain,
- villainous,
- vitiated,
- warped,
- wastrel,
- whore,
- wicked,
- worldly,
- wretch,
- wrong