Exact Match:
- resentful
- full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will; "resentful at the way he was treated"; "a sullen resentful attitude"
- acerb,
- acerbate,
- acerbic,
- acid,
- acidic,
- acidulent,
- acidulous,
- acrimonious,
- aggravated,
- agitated,
- angry,
- annoyed,
- antagonistic,
- beefing,
- begrudging,
- bellyaching,
- bitching,
- bitter,
- bothered,
- browned-off,
- bugged,
- burning,
- burnt-up,
- catty,
- caustic,
- chafed,
- choleric,
- complaining,
- complaintful,
- crabbing,
- crabby,
- cranky,
- croaking,
- disappointed,
- discontented,
- disgruntled,
- displeased,
- dissatisfied,
- disturbed,
- embittered,
- envious,
- exasperated,
- faultfinding,
- fretful,
- furious,
- galled,
- griped,
- griping,
- grouchy,
- grousing,
- growling,
- grumbling,
- hostile,
- incensed,
- indignant,
- irate,
- irked,
- irritated,
- jealous,
- malcontent,
- malcontented,
- miffed,
- murmuring,
- muttering,
- nagging,
- naggy,
- nettled,
- out of humor,
- peeved,
- peevish,
- pettish,
- petulant,
- piqued,
- provoked,
- querulant,
- querulous,
- rancorous,
- rankled,
- rebellious,
- resenting,
- restive,
- restless,
- riled,
- roiled,
- ruffled,
- shrewish,
- sore,
- spiteful,
- splenetic,
- stewing,
- sulky,
- troubled,
- unaccepting,
- unaccommodating,
- uneasy,
- unfulfilled,
- ungratified,
- unhappy,
- unsatisfied,
- upset,
- vexed,
- vindictive,
- virulent,
- vixenish,
- vixenly,
- whiny,
- worked up