Exact Match:
- rubbing
- representation consisting of a copy (as of an engraving) made by laying paper over something and rubbing it with charcoal
- apograph,
- brushing,
- carbon,
- carbon copy,
- caressing,
- companion,
- confrication,
- contacting,
- contingent,
- copy,
- dead ringer,
- double,
- duplicate,
- duplication,
- effigy,
- exact likeness,
- feeling,
- fellow,
- fiche,
- fingering,
- frication,
- fricative,
- friction,
- frictional,
- frottage,
- glancing,
- grazing,
- handling,
- hectography,
- icon,
- idol,
- image,
- impingent,
- impinging,
- in contact,
- likeness,
- living image,
- living picture,
- manifold,
- manipulation,
- match,
- mate,
- meeting,
- microcopy,
- microfiche,
- microform,
- mimeography,
- miniature,
- mirroring,
- model,
- nudging,
- osculatory,
- palpation,
- perfrication,
- petting,
- photograph,
- picture,
- portrait,
- pressure,
- recording,
- reduplication,
- reflection,
- reproduction,
- reprography,
- resemblance,
- rub,
- semblance,
- shadow,
- similitude,
- simulacrum,
- spit and image,
- spitting image,
- stroking,
- tangent,
- tangential,
- tenor,
- touching,
- trace,
- tracing,
- transcript,
- transcription,
- transfer,
- twin,
- very image,
- very picture,
- xerography