- Lenten,
- Spartan,
- abstemious,
- angustifoliate,
- angustirostrate,
- angustisellate,
- angustiseptal,
- arrested,
- ascetic,
- at a premium,
- austere,
- barely sufficient,
- callow,
- cheeseparing,
- chinchy,
- chintzy,
- circumscribed,
- close,
- close-fitting,
- confined,
- constricted,
- cramp,
- cramped,
- crowded,
- defective,
- deficient,
- dwarfed,
- dwarfish,
- embryonic,
- exiguous,
- failing,
- frugal,
- hypoplastic,
- immature,
- impoverished,
- in arrear,
- in arrears,
- in default,
- in short supply,
- inadequate,
- incapacious,
- incommodious,
- incomplete,
- infant,
- infrequent,
- insufficient,
- isthmian,
- isthmic,
- jejune,
- lacking,
- lean,
- limited,
- little,
- meager,
- mean,
- measly,
- minimal,
- miserly,
- missing,
- narrow,
- near,
- needing,
- niggardly,
- out of print,
- out of season,
- out of stock,
- paltry,
- parsimonious,
- part,
- partial,
- patchy,
- piddling,
- poor,
- puny,
- rare,
- restricted,
- scant,
- scarce,
- scattered,
- scrappy,
- scrawny,
- scrimp,
- scrimping,
- scrimpy,
- seldom met with,
- seldom seen,
- short,
- shy,
- sketchy,
- skimp,
- skimping,
- skimpy,
- slender,
- slight,
- slim,
- small,
- spare,
- sparing,
- sparse,
- spotty,
- sprinkled,
- starvation,
- stingy,
- stinted,
- strait,
- straitened,
- stunted,
- subsistence,
- thin,
- tight,
- uncommon,
- underdeveloped,
- undeveloped,
- unnourishing,
- unnutritious,
- wanting,
- watered,
- watery